
The Atacama Cosmology Telescope: DR4 maps and cosmological parameters
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Simone AiolaErminia CalabreseLoic MaurinSigurd NaessBenjamin L. SchmittMaximilian H. AbitbolGraeme E. AddisonPeter A. R. AdeDavid AlonsoMandana AmiriStefania AmodeoElio AngileJason E. AustermannTaylor BaildonNick BattagliaJames A. BeallRachel BeanDaniel T. BeckerJ Richard BondSarah Marie BrunoVictoria CalafutLuis E. CampusanoFelipe CarreroGrace E. ChesmoreHsiao-mei ChoSteve K. ChoiSusan E. ClarkNicholas F. CothardDevin CrichtonKevin T. CrowleyOmar DarwishRahul DattaEdward V. DenisonMark J. DevlinCody J. DuellShannon M. DuffAdriaan J. DuivenvoordenJo DunkleyRolando DunnerThomas Essinger-HilemanMax FankhanelSimone FerraroAnna E. FoxBrittany FuziaPatricio A. GallardoVera GluscevicJoseph E. GolecEmily GraceMegan GrallaYilun Guan8 Mark HalpernDongwon HanPeter HargraveMatthew HasselfieldJakob M. HeltonShawn HendersonBrandon HensleyJ. Colin HillGene C. HiltonMatt HiltonAdam D. HincksRenee HlozekShuay-Pwu Patty HoJohannes HubmayrKevin M. HuffenbergerJohn P. HughesLeopoldo InfanteKent IrwinRebecca JacksonJeff KleinKenda KnowlesBrian KoopmanArthur KosowskyVincent LakeyDale LiYaqiong LiZack LiMartine LokkenThibaut LouisMarius LunguAmanda MacInnisMathew MadhavacherilFelipe MaldonadoMaya Mallaby-KayDanica MarsdenJeff McMahonFelipe MenanteauKavilan MoodleyTim MortonToshiya NamikawaFederico NatiLaura NewburghJohn P. NibargerAndrina NicolaMichael D. NiemackMichael R. NoltaJohn Orlowski-ShererLyman A. PageChristine G. PappasBruce PartridgePhumlani PhakathiGiampaolo PisanoHeather PrinceRoberto PudduFrank J. QuJesus RiveraNaomi RobertsonFelipe RojasMaria SalatinoEmmanuel SchaanAlessandro SchillaciNeelima SehgalBlake D. SherwinCarlos SierraJon SieversCristobal SifonPrecious SikhosanaSara SimonDavid N. SpergelSuzanne T. StaggsJason StevensEmilie StorerDhaneshwar D. SunderEric R. SwitzerBen ThorneRobert ThorntonHy TracJesse TreuCarole TuckerLeila R. ValeAlexander Van EngelenJeff Van LanenEve M. VavagiakisKasey WagonerYuhan WangJonathan T. WardEdward J WollackZhilei XuFernando ZagoNingfeng Zhu
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics. 2020(12)
Physics Of Elementary Particles And Fields
We present new arcminute-resolution maps of the Cosmic Microwave Background temperature and polarization anisotropy from the Atacama Cosmology Telescope, using data taken from 2013{2016 at 98 and 150 GHz. The maps cover more than 17,000 deg(^2), the deepest 600 deg(^2) with noise levels below 10µK-arcmin. We use the power spectrum derived from almost 6,000 deg(^2) of these maps to constrain cosmology. The ACT data enable a measurement of the angular scale of features in both the divergence-like polarization and the temperature anisotropy, tracing both the velocity and density at last-scattering. From these one can derive the distance to the last-scattering surface and thus infer the local expansion rate, H0. By combining ACT data with large-scale information from WMAP we measure H0 = 67:6±1:1 km/s/Mpc, at 68% confidence, in excellent agreement with the independently measured Planck satellite estimate (from ACT alone we find H0 = 67:9± 1:5 km/s/Mpc). The ΛCDM model provides a good fit to the ACT data, and we find no evidence for deviations: both the spatial curvature, and the departure from the standard lensing signal in the spectrum, are zero to within 1σ; the number of relativistic species, the primordial Helium fraction, and the running of the spectral index are consistent with ΛCDM predictions to within 1.5{2.2σ. We compare ACT, WMAP, and Planck at the parameter level and find good consistency; we investigate how the constraints on the correlated spectral index and baryon density parameters readjust when adding CMB large-scale information that ACT does not measure. The DR4 products presented here will be publicly released on the NASA Legacy Archive for Microwave Background Data Analysis.