
The Spectral Energy Distribution of the Seyfert Galaxy Ton S180
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We present spectral results from a multi-satellite, broad-band campaign on the Narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy Ton S180 performed at the end of 1999. We discuss the spectral-energy distribution of the source, combining simultaneous Chandra, ASCA and EUVE data with contemporaneous FUSE, HST, and ground-based optical and infrared data. The resulting SED shows that most of the, energy is emitted in the 10 - 100 eV regime, which must be dominated by the primary energy source. No spectral turnover is evident in the UV regime. This, the strong soft X-ray emission, and the overall shape of the SED indicate that emission from the accretion disk peaks between 15 and 100 eV. High resolution FUSE spectra showing UV absorption due to OVI and the lack of detectable X-ray absorption in the Candra spectrum demonstrate the presence of a low column density of highly ionized gas along our line of sight.