
Biosynthesis and Directed Evolution of Unnatural Peptides and Proteins
Document Type
Reviews in Cell Biology and Molecular Medicine. :268-307
directed evolution
post‐translational modification (PTM)
ribosomally synthesized post‐translationally modified peptides (RiPPs)
post‐ribosomal peptide synthesis (PRPS)
unnatural amino acids (uAAs)
orthogonal aminoacyl‐tRNA synthetase/tRNA (aaRS/tRNA) pairs
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Frontiers in Developmental Biology
Recently, the biosynthesis of peptides and proteins harboring chemical functionalities not found within the canonical 20 amino acids has been accomplished by harnessing natural post‐translational modifications (PTMs) or by expanding the genetic repertoire with unnatural amino acids. These methods have vastly increased the chemical space that can be explored in directed evolution experiments, resulting in peptides and proteins with new or improved function. Although this area of synthetic biology is relatively new, it is rapidly emerging as a transformative research tool across multiple disciplines. Ultimately, the convergence of methodologies using PTM and expanded genetic repertoires will allow the biosynthesis of custom‐tailored peptides and proteins with a rich variety of structures and functions.

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