
Connectivity-Based Parcellation of Gray Matter
Document Type
Diffusion MRI: Theory, Methods, and Applications, ill.
Neuroscientific Techniques
This chapter reviews recent techniques that use diffusion imaging to parcellate grey matter into regions of differing patterns of connections. The function of a grey matter region is constrained, not only by cellular cytoarchitecture, but also by the region's connections to other grey matter regions. It is therefore hoped that boundaries that can be defined solely on the basis of connectional anatomy will align well with boundaries between functionally distinct regions. This chapter examines the rationale for this argument. It describes several techniques that have been used to perform such parcellations and reviews a number of early studies where connectional boundaries from diffusion imaging have been compared directly with measures of functional specialization or cytoarchitecture. Lastly, it considers the potential impact of in-vivo grey matter parcellation in both basic and clinical neuroscience.

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