
Clinical Neurophysiology
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Clinical neurophysiologic testing plays a critical role as a complement to the clinical assessment in patients who are being evaluated for a variety of neurologic symptoms. Many different techniques and methods of assessment can be used to evaluate the function of the nervous system, including electroencephalography, electromyography, evoked potentials, movement disorder studies, and sleep studies. An accurate understanding of the role of these tests and reliable technical performance and interpretation of these studies is critical in clinical practice. Clinical Neurophysiology, 5th edition details the basic concepts underlying each of the techniques used in clinical neurophysiology and provides detailed descriptions of the methods and value of the wide range of electrophysiologic testing available for patients with epilepsy and spells, neuromuscular diseases, movement disorders, demyelinating diseases, sleep disorders, autonomic disorders and those undergoing orthopaedic and neurosurgical procedures in the operative setting. The role of each type of study, the interpretation of findings, and the application of the studies to different types of clinical problems are detailed throughout the text. In addition to detailed chapters of each type of study, the findings and approaches using these tests in patients with spells, seizures, and neuromuscular diseases are detailed.

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