
네 교사의 눈으로 바라본 외국어고등학교-A 공립 외국어고등학교 교사의 교육 경험과 인식을 중심으로-
Document Type
교원교육 (2022): 97-126.
Purpose: This study represents qualitative research, aimed at revealing educational practices through the educational experiences of four teachers in a public foreign language high school. Methods: Data collected from the four volunteer teachers in the foreign language high school included participants’ observations and in-depth interviews. All collected data including participants’ observation data, local data, and in-depth interviews, regarding educational experiences as a class teacher and home room teacher, were categorized by identifying patterns through emic coding. Results: During the research, participants experienced ‘leading students’, ‘opening a new world’, ‘education beyond the textbook’, and ‘struggling up’ in the foreign language high school. From their educational experiences, participants expressed the following sentiments: ‘different from what it seems’, ‘the object of attachment’, and ‘worries about abolition of the school.’ for the foreign language high school. Conclusion: The educational practices in the foreign language high school were categorized into ‘student agency’, ‘breaking the boundary’, ‘social functions’ and ‘protection of personal choices’. By identifying the educational practices in the foreign language high school, this study reveals different stances taken by the foreign language high school’s insiders and outsiders and signifies the needs for educational discourse on foreign language high schools.