
The 8th Biennial Meeting of the Asian Society of Gynecologic Oncology, December 1st to 3rd, 2023
Document Type
(2024): 1-8.
As per the 2018 GLOBOCAN database, Asia accounted for 48.7% (637,761) of new gynecologiccancer cases and 50.1% (305,000) of gynecologic cancer deaths [1]. Recognizing the distinctdifferences in genetic background, cancer epidemiology, disease characteristics, and socio-cultural environment between Asian and non-Asian women, it is noteworthy that much ofthe experimental evidence guiding clinical gynecologic oncology practices has historicallybeen drawn from studies in Western populations. Established in 2008, the Asian Society ofGynecologic Oncology (ASGO) ser ves as a key organization in Asia, dedicated to advancingthe study, prevention, and treatment of gynecological cancer through scientific exchange,regional/international collaboration, educational initiatives, and fostering camaraderieamong its members [2]. Presently, ASGO boasts members from over 10 countries in Asia. Building on the success of the previous meetings held in Tokyo (2009) [3], Seoul (2011)[4], Kyoto (2013) [5], Seoul (2015) [6], Tokyo (2017) [7], Incheon (2019) [8], and Bangkok(2021) [9], the eighth Biennial Meeting of ASGO took place at the state-of-the-art HNBKInternational Convention Center in Taipei, Taiwan, from December 01 to 03, 2023. Theoverarching theme for this event was 'Reunion to Overcome Gynecologic Cancer in Asia.'Notably, due to the impact of the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic in 2021, the meetingwas transformed into a hybrid format. This gathering marked a significant milestone as thefirst in-person Pan-Asia meeting focused on gynecological cancer following the pandemic. Additionally, it is worth highlighting that this was the inaugural ASGO meeting held outsideof Korea and Japan, underscoring the broadening geographical scope and global impactof the conference. Professor Peng-Hui Wang and Jae-Weon Jim chaired the organizingcommittee. ASGO 2023 witnessed the participation of 633 attendees from 17 countries,featuring 152 honored speakers and chairs from 12 countries. The event included 44 oral/surgical video presentations and 187 poster presentations, covering a diverse range ofscientific topics, from fundamental principles of gynecological cancer care to advanced, high-technology practices rooted in cutting-edge research (Table 1). Photos from the meetingare accessible on the official meeting website (http://tinyurl.com/26xtts2f ).
As per the 2018 GLOBOCAN database, Asia accounted for 48.7% (637,761) of new gynecologiccancer cases and 50.1% (305,000) of gynecologic cancer deaths [1]. Recognizing the distinctdifferences in genetic background, cancer epidemiology, disease characteristics, and socio-cultural environment between Asian and non-Asian women, it is noteworthy that much ofthe experimental evidence guiding clinical gynecologic oncology practices has historicallybeen drawn from studies in Western populations. Established in 2008, the Asian Society ofGynecologic Oncology (ASGO) ser ves as a key organization in Asia, dedicated to advancingthe study, prevention, and treatment of gynecological cancer through scientific exchange,regional/international collaboration, educational initiatives, and fostering camaraderieamong its members [2]. Presently, ASGO boasts members from over 10 countries in Asia. Building on the success of the previous meetings held in Tokyo (2009) [3], Seoul (2011)[4], Kyoto (2013) [5], Seoul (2015) [6], Tokyo (2017) [7], Incheon (2019) [8], and Bangkok(2021) [9], the eighth Biennial Meeting of ASGO took place at the state-of-the-art HNBKInternational Convention Center in Taipei, Taiwan, from December 01 to 03, 2023. Theoverarching theme for this event was 'Reunion to Overcome Gynecologic Cancer in Asia.'Notably, due to the impact of the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic in 2021, the meetingwas transformed into a hybrid format. This gathering marked a significant milestone as thefirst in-person Pan-Asia meeting focused on gynecological cancer following the pandemic. Additionally, it is worth highlighting that this was the inaugural ASGO meeting held outsideof Korea and Japan, underscoring the broadening geographical scope and global impactof the conference. Professor Peng-Hui Wang and Jae-Weon Jim chaired the organizingcommittee. ASGO 2023 witnessed the participation of 633 attendees from 17 countries,featuring 152 honored speakers and chairs from 12 countries. The event included 44 oral/surgical video presentations and 187 poster presentations, covering a diverse range ofscientific topics, from fundamental principles of gynecological cancer care to advanced, high-technology practices rooted in cutting-edge research (Table 1). Photos from the meetingare accessible on the official meeting website (http://tinyurl.com/26xtts2f ).