
문화유산 관광객의 온라인 리뷰 및 평점을 이용한 관광경험 - 시안 산시 역사박물관의 관광객을 대상으로 -
Document Type
한국경관학회지 (2023): 32-45.
This study conducts the social network analysis using the online review and grade in order to understand the experience of tourists visiting museum, one of the main tourists attraction of heritage tourism. For this purpose, this study selects Shaanxi history museum in Xi’an, one of the most famous heritage tourism city in China as the study sites, and collects qualitative review data (adjectives and noun) and quantitative grade data. The result of community analysis shows 7 different groups, and degree centrality shows that positive tourism image, interest, vivid and detailed information related to adjectives and experice time, diverse activity related to noun have high centrality. The co-occurrence network analysis between words and grade shows that using density or carring capacity of museum is occurring at the same time with low grade. The above research results are relevant in order to find out the tourists’ experience using online review and grade generated by tourists voluntarily and use as the important information to develop the strategies related to the planning and management of museum as a tourist attractions.