
지역사회에서 대학의 사회적 가치 실현 방법 모색을 위한탐색적 연구
Document Type
(2024): 295-314.
Exploratory Study for the Methods of University’s Realization of Social Values in the Community Jinhyung Bae* & Jeongsun Ahn** Abstract: The purpose of this study is to explore methods for university‘s realization of social values in the community with the perspectives of the professionals who work in the connected agencies with H university. To do so, a focus group interview with four social work practitioners at middle managers level was held. A written survey of opinions was carried out with ten social welfare professionals at heads of organization level. Data were analyzed by constant comparison analysis. The categories of the findings are first, development of curriculum via specialization and joint cooperation with community, second, improvement of extra-curricular activities focused on community needs based on voluntarily participation. Lastly, expansion of actions to realize social values pursuing the linkage and growth with community. According to the results, implementation tasks like new contents of curriculum, cooperative projects, arrangement of policy, guidance of students were drawn. For the realization of social values, universities need to apply new curriculum/methods, to develop link projects with community, to share technologies actively. Through this study, the vitalizing of realizing universities’ social values in the local community is expecting. Key Words: Social Values, University, Community, Roles of Universities, Exploratory Study □ 접수일: 2024년 3월 19일, 수정일: 2024년 4월 15일, 게재확정일: 2024년 4월 20일* 주저자, 한국성서대학교 사회복지학과 교수(First Author, Professor, Korean Bible Univ., Email: jbae@bible.ac.kr)** 교신저자, 한국성서대학교 사회복지학과 교수(Corresponding Author, Professor, Korean Bible Univ., Email: ajs-fire@hanmail.net)