
거문도 인어 설화의 재탄생, 웹드라마 〈미래를 보는 인어 ‘신지끼’〉
Document Type
『도서문화』 (2023): 307-336.
In Jeollanam-do, where there are many islands, stories related to mermaids are told in Imjado, Dochodo, and Geomundo. The mermaid of Geomundo is half-woman, half-fish. It is a mysterious creature that predicts and informs the weather. The web drama 〈‘Shinjiki’, The Mermaid Who Predict the Future〉 is based on the story of the mermaid ‘Shinjiki’ in Geomundo in 2022. Fantasy elements such as the transformation of a mermaid and the mysterious ability of a mermaid are added to the story’s development. Shinjiki, a mermaid who can see the future, likes Yujin. Trying to save people with epidemics at the expense of themselves. With Yujin’s predictive ability, epidemic is fixed with spring water. This resolves the conflict. This is the simple plot of the web drama. hinjiki and Yujin appearing here are beings with deficiencies, respectively. It is set as a being who fills each other’s shortcomings. The web drama 〈‘Shinjiki’, The Mermaid Who Predict the Future〉 combines various mermaid-related stories told in Korea to form a narrative. The Geomundo mermaid ‘Shinjiki’ is the foundation of this web drama. he process of deepening the conflict includes a folktale about '‘Nang-gan’, a woman who ate mermaid meat and lived forever'. The process of resolving the conflict includes Jejudo(Island)’s ‘gumdul-aegimul(Spring Water)’ folktale, in which mermaids use water from the well to heal where they are sick. There will be many dramas and movies based on classical works and folktales. When making movies or dramas, you shouldn’t just borrow material. The meaning and characteristics hidden in it must be fully reflected.