
기독교세계관에 근거한 가족 프로젝트의 실행 과정에서 나타난 4세반 유아들의 ‘가족’에 대한 인식 연구
Document Type
기독교교육정보 (2024): 219-249.
This study aimed to examine the perception of 'family' among kindergarten 4-year-old children who participated in a family project based on the Christian worldview. To achieve this, questions exploring the Christian worldview foundations of creation, fall, redemption, and restoration were applied during a 5-month project. The results of this study revealed that initially, the children perceived their families as both likable, as they occupied most of their lives, and uncomfortable, even to the point of wanting to discard them. However, as the project progressed, the children came to recognize their families as cherished entities that were always present during both good and challenging times. They began to perceive family as a community of love that accepts each other as they are within the context of a relationship with God. The children extended their understanding of family to include friends and neighbors, viewing them as part of the grateful community that shares love. The children's perception of family indicates that those who participated in this project grounded in the Christian worldview started to recognize the existence of family as a faith-based community sharing life in Christ Jesus. The study's findings suggest practical approaches applicable in early childhood education settings to foster the restoration of family as a community of love, shared with gratitude and joy.