
장애인체육을 위한 예비특수체육지도자의 프로보노 참여 의도 활성화 방안 연구: 계획행동이론의 적용
Document Type
스포츠사이언스 (2024): 139-146.
The purpose of this study was to determine ways to activate the intention of pre-service adapted physical activity instructors to participate in Pro-Bono for sports for the disabled. To achieve the purpose of this study, participants who could respond in-depth to the research contents were recruited using a purposive sampling method, and 24 experts (scholars, institutional practitioners, instructors, etc.) related to sports for people with disabilities were selected as participants of this study. As a result of hierarchy classification based on the questionnaire in this study, the following results were obtained. First, the four high-level factors related to ways to activate the intention to participate in Pro-Bono for preservice adapted physical activity instructors for sports for the disabled were positive behavioral beliefs, negative behavioral beliefs, normative beliefs, and control beliefs. Second, the sub-variables of positive behavioral beliefs were helping an integrated society, achieving emotional satisfaction, improving leadership skills, helping improve awareness of the disabled, being able to donate talents, being able to experience various things, and being helpful in future career paths. Third, the sub-variables of negative behavioral beliefs were mental fatigue (stress), time consumption, physical fatigue, and adaptation to an unfamiliar environment. Fourth, the sub-variables of normative beliefs were professors, college seniors and juniors, persons with disabilities, college classmates, and parents. Fifth, the sub-variables of control beliefs were participation in Pro-Bono with friends in the same major, my willingness to participate in Pro-Bono, time availability, and self-development.