
지각-인지기술 훈련이 엘리트 청소년 축구선수의 의사결정 능력에 미치는 영향
Document Type
코칭능력개발지 (2024): 51-59.
The purpose of this study is to examine the changes in the decision making ability of elite youth soccer players through perceptual-cognitive skill training. A total of 32 elite youth soccer players with more than 7 years of experience were selected as participants. The players were then divided into three groups: the perceptual skill training group, which partook in visual function training, the cognitive skill training group, which partook in video simulation training of tactical situations, and the perceptual-cognitive skill training group, which combined elements of both groups. The research was divided into three sections: pre-test, skill training, and post-test. The objective of the experiment is to watch videos of various offensive tactics that are displayed on a screen, and quickly and properly select the best pass direction to lead to a score among multiple alternatives. The decision making ability of the participants were split into two categories, reaction time and accuracy, and they were analyzed by two-way ANOVA with repeated measures on the second factor. The study ultimately found that the decision making response time of the group who received perception-cognitive skill training decreased significantly in the post-test compared to the other three groups. It was also determined that the group who received perception-cognitive skill training improved the accuracy of their decision making significantly in the post-test compared to the other three groups. These results suggest that perception-cognitive skill training has a positive effect on improving decision-making ability. It is therefore more effective to train with a combination of perception and cognitive skills rather than training each skill separately.