
An Efficient PSI-CA Protocol Under the Malicious Model
Document Type
KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS). Mar 30, 2024 18(3):720
Bloom filter
malicious model
private set intersection cardinality
zero-knowledge proof
secure multi-party computation
Private set intersection cardinality (PSI-CA) is a typical problem in the field of secure multi-party computation, which enables two parties calculate the cardinality of intersection securely without revealing any information about their sets. And it is suitable for private data protection scenarios where only the cardinality of the set intersection needs to be calculated. However, most of the currently available PSI-CA protocols only meet the security under the semi-honest model and can’t resist the malicious behaviors of participants. To solve the problems above, by the application of the variant of Elgamal cryptography and Bloom filter, we propose an efficient PSI-CA protocol with high security. We also present two new operations on Bloom filter called IBF and BIBF, which could further enhance the safety of private data. Using zero-knowledge proof to ensure the safety under malicious adversary model. Moreover, in order to minimize the error in the results caused by the false positive problem, we use Garbled Bloom Filter and key-value pair packing creatively and present an improved PSI-CA protocol. Through experimental comparison with several existing representative protocols, our protocol runs with linear time complexity and more excellent characters, which is more suitable for practical application scenarios.