
Supplement Use and Behaviours of Elite Singaporean Athletes
Document Type
Asia Pacific Journal of Applied Sport Science (APJASS) / Asia Pacific Journal of Applied Sport Science (APJASS). Dec 31, 2023 4(3):1
Ergogenic aid
sports nutrition
PURPOSE We aimed to evaluate the use and behaviours surrounding nutritional and sports supplements amongst Singaporean elite athletes. METHOD We conducted a cross-sectional online survey of elite Singaporean athletes to assess their supplement use. RESULT Of the 112 athletes that completed the survey, 88 (79%) reported supplement use in the previous 12 months (mean±SD=4.2±4.4, range=0-22). Sports drinks (54%) and bars (40%), fish oil (27%), and vitamin C (27%) were most frequently consumed. Supplements were most commonly used to enhance recovery (75%), and to improve training performance (61%) and energy (53%). Athletes that didn’t use supplements did so because a healthy diet makes them unnecessary (38%), due to concerns about doping (33%), they aren’t needed to improve performance (29%), or they had not had access (29%). Supplements were most commonly sourced from the supermarket (39%), directly from institute staff (35%) and health food shops (32%). Institute sports nutrition staff and the Anti-Doping Singapore (ADS) website were most influential in deciding whether to use supplements, but institute strength and conditioning staff and their coach were also influential. 18% of athletes self-reported having no knowledge about supplements, however 43-56% knew key information (e.g., main ingredients, what they do to their body, optimal dose and timing). Athletes self-reported that their knowledge of guidelines (e.g., ADS, World Anti-Doping Agency, institute, national sporting organisation) regarding supplement use was limited to good. CONCLUSION This is the first study to report supplement use and behaviours in Singaporean athletes since 2003 and remains the only South-East Asian country to have their supplement use evaluated. We found that supplement usage in Singaporean athletes was high, but typical internationally. Additionally, use remained relatively constant since 2003, despite the number of supplements used per person increasing.

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