
북한의 공업부문 과학기술인력 양성체계 마련과 활용(1945~1953년)
Establishment and Utilization of the Training System for Scientific and Technological Talents in the Industrial Sector of North Korea(1945~1953)
Document Type
북한학연구 / North Korean Studies. Dec 30, 2022 18(2):233
과학기술 중시노선
오랜 인테리
새 인테리
인민의 과학
scientific and technical personnel
science and technologyoriented policy
long-standing intelligentsiya
new intelligentsiya
people’s science
본 연구는 1945년부터 1953년까지 북한의 공업부문 과학기술인력 양성체계 마련을 대상으로 한다. 우선 ‘오랜 인테리’들의 ‘인민의 과학자’로의 포섭과 근로인민 출신의 ‘새 인테리’ 육성을 교육기관 설립과 함께 살폈다. 후진 양성을 위한 소련 유학생 단체파견도 정리했다. 남한으로부터 과학기술인력 충원도 다뤘다. 전쟁 중인 1952년 4월에 과학원을 창립시킨 것도 왜, 무엇을 하고자 했는지 살폈다. 전쟁시기 과학기술인력의 일상적 양성은 어떠했고, 소련에서 돌아온 유학생들의 공업화와 관련한 역할도 알아봤다. 과학기술인력의 양적 성장만이 아닌, 질적 내용에 관심을 갖고 양성원칙과 ‘산-학 협조’가 이뤄진 생산현장을 살폈다. 자립적 공업화 기초를 처음 만들던 시기에 필요인력의 마련은 북한 실정에 맞게 자신들의 손, 힘, 재간으로 공업을 발전시킬 사람들을 키운 출발점이었다.
The study aims to create a frame for science and technology human resource development in North Korea’s industrial sector for the period between 1945 and 1953. The findings illustrate that along with the establishment of educational institutions, the “long-standing intelligentsia” was included to the “People’s scientist” and the development of “new intelligentsia” was encouraged among the working class. The thesis examines the dispatch of students to study in the Soviet Union so as to foster the younger generation. Additionally, the scope of the analysis covers the recruitment process of science and technology personnel from South Korea. The research also questions the reasons and motivations behind the establishment of the Academy of Sciences in April 1952 during the Korean War. The work analyzes the development of the science and technology personnel’s daily training during the Korean War, and what role was played in the industrialization by the students returning from the Soviet Union. Not only the quantitative analysis of the growth of science and technology personnel was finalized but also the qualitative analysis of the principles of fostering the development of “industrial-academic cooperation” production sites was conducted. The preparation of the necessary human resources at the time when the foundation for self-reliant industrialization was first laid was the starting point for cultivating people who would develop industry with their own hands, power, and resources in line with the actual situation in North Korea.

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