
텍스트 마이닝(Text-mining)을 이용한 댓글 분석 연구 - BTS의 ‘Butter’와 ‘Permission to Dance’ 뮤직비디오 유튜브 댓글을 중심으로 -
A Study on the Analysis of Comments Using Text-mining - BTS' ‘Butter’ and ‘Permission to Dance’ music videos focusing on YouTube commemts -
Document Type
언어사실과 관점 / Language Facts and Perspectives. May 30, 2022 56:157
유튜브 댓글 분석
텍스트 마이닝
토픽 모델링
빈도 분석
워드 클라우드
Analyzing the comments
Text Mining
Topic Modeling
Frequency Analysis
Word Cloud
본 논문은 BTS 뮤직비디오의 유튜브 댓글을 분석 대상으로 텍스트 마이닝을 이용해 대중들이 왜 그들의 뮤직비디오에 열중하는 지 그 반응을 살펴보고자 한다. ‘Butter’와 ‘Permission to Dance’ 뮤직비디오를 대상으로 유튜브 댓글에서의 키워드 출현 빈도 분석을 하여 두 곡의 고빈도 키워드가 어떻게 나타나는지 살펴보고, 텍스트 마이닝 기법인 토픽 모델링을 실시하여 댓글의 주제(topic)를 비교 분석한다. 분석 결과를 토대로 뮤직비디오에 대한 대중들의 반응을 다각도로 살펴보고자 한다.
This study aims to examine the response of the public to why they are enthusiastic about their music videos by using text mining to analyze YouTube comments in BTS music videos. It analyzes the frequency of keyword appearance in YouTube comments for "Butter" and "Permission to Dance" music videos. In addition, we examine how the high-frequency keywords of the two songs appear, and compare and analyze topics by performing topic modeling, a text mining technique. First, what both music videos have in common is that they received positive reviews from the public. It also showed BTS ARMY’s influence and again showed that fandom culture is an important factor in their success. The frequency of positive evaluation of the song or music video itself in the video comments and the appearance of keywords or sentences related to it was high. In addition, there were many keywords related to ARMY. When looking at the TF-IDF value, it can be seen that both videos were of high importance for ARMY. Second, there was a difference in the subject of public comments related to the two videos. In the case of "Butter," there was a lot of admiration for the number of views and evaluation of the song, while "Permission to Dance" had a lot of praise for the lyrics and singers. "Butter" can be seen as showing strong characteristics of existing K-POPs and the public's response to them. On the other hand, 'Permission to Dance' has a message of consolation for the current socioeconomic difficult situation. And it can be seen that the positive public response to this appeared as an evaluation of the lyrics and singers. Based on the analysis results, we would like to predict the future development of the pop music industry and research directions by examining the public's reactions to the music video from various angles.

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