
Three 'DS' - Elements for Successful Weight Loss Outcomes: Role of Healthcare Professionals
Document Type
춘·추계 학술대회(The Liver Week). Aug 13, 2020 2020(1):257
Chronic disease
Weight management
Aims: In people with obesity (PwO), body weight loss of ≥5% is generally considered to be clinically meaningful. Some PwO do receive treatment and guidance from healthcare professionals (HCPs), but there remains a substantial unmet medical outcomes and weight maintenance need. To identify aspects that might contribute to a successful weight loss outcome (WLO; ≥5% body weight loss maintained for ≥1 year), we investigated the characteristics and experience of PwO with and without successful WLOs using data from the ACTION-IO study (NCT03584191). Methods: An online survey was completed by adults with obesity and HCPs in 11 countries: Australia, Chile, Israel, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, South Korea, Spain, UAE and UK. A successful WLO was defined as ≥5% body weight loss in the past 3 years maintained for ≥1 year. Results: A total of 14,502 PwO completed the survey. General characteristics were similar between those who had a successful WLO (n=1,559; 11%) vs those who had not (n=12,943; 89%): 53% vs 52% were male; the mean age was 49 vs 48 years; the mean number of comorbidities was 2.0 vs 1.8. The mean number of serious weight loss attempts was 4 for both groups. However, more PwO who had a successful WLO weighed themselves every day (20%) compared with those who had not had a successful WLO (10%). In terms of interactions with HCPs, more PwO who had a successful WLO had discussed weight (58%) with an HCP within the past 5 years than those who did not have a successful WLO (53%). In addition, more PwO who had a successful WLO compared with those who did not had been diagnosed with obesity (42% vs 35%) and had subsequent direction through the scheduling of a follow-up appointment (25% vs 21%). Conclusions: A 3D approach from HCPs (diagnosis, discussion and direction) appears to be a key element in facilitating a successful WLO. Neither gender, nor age, nor number of weight loss attempts was associated with a successful WLO.

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