
미래세대 수학교육표준 개발을 위한 기초 연구
A basic research for the development of Korean mathematics education standards for the next generation
Document Type
수학교육 / THE MATHEMATICAL EDUCATION. Feb 28, 2022 61(1):199
The vision of the future human being
Mathematical competencies
수학 역량
수학 지식
수학 과정
수학 실천
이 연구는 국가 차원의 중장기적 수학교육표준 마련의 일환으로 미래 수학교육이 추구해야 할 인간상, 수학 역량을 도출하는 데 목적이 있다. 연구진은 선행 연구 분석, 전문가 자문, 초점 집단 면담을 거쳐 인간상, 수학 역량을 도출하였으며, 설문조사를 통한 타당화 과정을 거쳤다. 미래인간상과 수학 역량의 세부 내용을 제시하였으며, 수학교육의 방향을 제안하였다.
This study aims to elicit the vision of the future human being and mathematical competencies that next generation should pursue to be nurtured through mathematics education as regarding the need for a national mid-term to long-term mathematics education standard for nurturing learners that can accommodate changes in the future society is emerging. The research team established the criterion for domains of mathematical competencies through the analysis of prior research, and then, refined three dimensions of mathematical competencies and the domains of each dimension through expert advice (9 people in total, 3 times) and focus group interviews (10 people in total, 4 times). After conducting a large-scale survey (295 people in total) which includes elementary and secondary teachers, professors, and researchers, etc., the vision of the future human being and mathematical competencies were elicited. In order to utilize the vision of the future human being and mathematical competencies, five stages of research on the development and utilization of mathematics education standards were proposed. Cooperating with related organizations, securing the research project period and expanding the scope of research team composition, and providing web-based documentation of mathematics education standards will be needed for the follow-up studies.

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