
근현대 패러다임의 전환과 내재성에 대한 고찰-전통과 근대에 대한 한국적 재고(再考)를 중심으로-
A Study on Modern Paradigm Shift and Immanence -Focused on Tradition and Modernity in Korea-
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인문과학연구. Dec 31, 2014 23:115
This is a study on modern paradigm shift and immanence focused on tradition and modernity in Korea. Transition to modern in Korea was a massive paradigm shift .Modern paradigm shift in Korea refers to Western framework transformed from the oriental framework and also the modern from the tradition, The immannance also was defined what has hardly changed in such a paradigm shift. What we noticed in this paper is the definition confusion of concept “tradition” and “modern” when a paradigm shift occurred. In chapter Ⅱ, through the concept of paradigm and immannance, we argued that the unbalance between modern and tradition in Korea lies in ambiguity of the concept of “tradition” and “modern”. Modern Korea concept of “tradition” and "modern" lacked their own definition of for themselves. In nodern Korea, foreign theory was indiscriminately accepted and paradigm shift discussion was made without question and reflection for concept of our own “tradition” and “moder”. In follwing chapter Ⅲ, we examined the difference in concept of our own “tradition” and “modern” The tradition can be segmented into Korean-primitive, China-influenced, Japan-distorted. In next chapter Ⅳ, we looked over the unbalance problem between modern and tradition in Korea in 3 kinds of dimension. Firstly western modernity, secondly modernity distorted by Japan, thirdly modernity by our immanence. The emergence of a China economy and the following reorient syndrome or revaluation oriental worth gives a good environment for oriental identity study. Therefore the redefinition and reflection of “tradition” and “modern” should be achieved through following study and questioning in various area, and finally a comprehensive spotlight also could be expected.

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