
HMG CoA inhibitory properties of anti-diabetic herbal plant Acacia senegal
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International Congress of Diabetes and Metabolism. Oct 12, 2019 2019:68
Objective: Acacia senegal is one the frequently used food supplement in western part of the India i.e Rajasthan. It is known to have anti diabetic potential. Majority of herbal supplements having anti diabetic potential also has anti atherosclerotic properties but there was scarcity of data regarding anti-atherosclerotic properties of Acacia senegal. The present study was design to screen the aqueous extract of seed of this plan for its inhibitory activity on HMG CoA reductase enzyme. As this enzyme catalyze the rate limit step in cholesterol formation hence its inhibition was considered as surrogate for anti-atherosclerotic properly Methods: Acacia senegal seeds were purchased locally. Out of all parts of this plant, we selected seeds only because it is being consumed by people as food in the form of seeds. For the same reason we focused only on the aqueous extract. Commercially available kit (HMC CoA Reductase Assay Kit - Sigma Aldrich) was used for assessment of of HMG CoA reductase inhibition activity. This was done by ELISA method. Results: Aqueous extract was evaluated in four concentrations i.e 7.5 μg/mL, 15 μg/mL, 30 μg/mL and 60 μg/mL. Standard (pravastatin) was compared with the aqueous extract in four concentration i.e 0.5×, 1×, 2× and 4×. Percentage inhibition of HMG CoA reductase by four concentrations of aqueous extract was 47.5%, 50.1%, 80.2% and 84% respectively while the inhibition by standard was 60.3%, 72.3%, 93.5% and 97.1% respectively. Conclusion: Acacia senegal has HMG CoA reductase inhibitory activity which may lead to its anti-atherosclerotic effect. This need to be tested in in vivo models particularly in diabetic animals.

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