
고지혈증 동물모델 설정을 위한 식이처방의 실험적 연구
Studies on Diet Regimens for the Development of Hyperlipidemic Animal Model
Document Type
약제학회지 / Journal of Pharmaceutical Investigation. Dec 30, 1994 24(4):297
Development of hyperlipidemic animal model is prerequisite for the screening of drugs lowering the blood lipoprotein level. In this study, two kinds of diet regimens were tried for the hyperlipidemic effect. The model will be used for the screening of current prescriptions to a variety of diseases related to hyperlipidemia by practioner of traditional herbal medicine. Fifteen male Wister rats of 200 g were divided into three groups, and given normal, or either one of the two high cholesterol diets for up to 2 weeks. Regimen HC-1 and regimen HC-2 contained 1% and 2% cholesterol in diet, respectively. Total cholesterol (TC), triglyceride (TG), high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL) and lower density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL) levels in the serum were measured before the start of the diet, at 1 week after the start, and at 2 week point. Both regimens resulted in hyperlipidemia with the typical characteristics of increase in TC and LDL, and reduction in HDL, and showed no observable side effects such as diarrhea. In conclusion, both of HC-1 and HC-2 regimens appeared appropriate as diet regimens for the hyperlipidemic rat model.