
낙동강하구의 잘피 (seagrass) 분포 현황
Distribution of the Seagrass in the Nakdong River Estuary
Document Type
생태와 환경 / Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment. Sep 30, 2023 56(3):207
Nakdong River estuary
Zostera japonica
Z. marina
Phyllospadix japonicus
본 연구는 2023년 5~6월 낙동강하구에 생육하는 잘피 분포 현황을 조사하기 위해 실시하였다. 잘피 서식 면적을 조사하기 위해 낙동강하구를 7개 구역으로 구분하여 드론을 이용한 항공촬영을 실시하여 잘피 서식을 확인한 후 조간대에서는 도보로, 조하대에서는 선박 및 잠수조사로 GPS 트랙킹을 실시하였다. 잘피 현황을 분석하기 위해 각 구역에 대표적으로 출현하는 잘피의 종별 형태적 특성, 생육밀도와 생체량을 측정하였다. 낙동강하구에는 애기거머리말, 거머리말, 줄말과 게바다말이 출현하였고, 각 종의 분포 면적은 각각 338.2ha, 92.9 ha, 0.9 ha와 1.4 ha로 총 잘피 서식지 면적은 432.5ha로 조사되었다. 애기거머리말은 낙동강하구 대부분의 사주와 갯벌에 넓게 분포하였고, 거머리말은 눌차도, 진우도와 다대동에 서식하였다. 줄말은 을숙도와 명지갯벌의 애기거머리말 서식지 내에 출현하였고, 게바다말은 다대동의 암반에 생육하였다. 애기거머리말, 거머리말, 줄말과 게바다말의 생육 밀도는 각각 4,575.8±338.3 shoots m-2, 244.8±12.0 shoots m-2, 11,302.1±290.0 shoots m-2와, 2,862.5±153.5 shoots m-2였다. 생체량은 각각 239.7±18.5 gDW m-2, 362.3±20.5gDW m-2, 33.3±1.2 gDW m-2와, 1,290.0±37.0 gDW m-2였다. 본 연구 결과 낙동강하구에는 애기거머리말이 우점하였고, 특히, 을숙도, 대마등과 명지갯벌의 애기거머리말 서식지는 국내 최대 규모로 형성되었음을 알 수 있었다. 낙동강하구는 생태적, 환경적, 경제적 가치가 높은 중요한 곳으로, 이 곳에 생육하는 잘피의 지속적인 조사와 관리가 필요하다.
This study was conducted to investigate the current status of seagrass species in the Nakdong River estuary from May to June 2023. To survey the seagrass habitat area, the Nakdong River estuary was divided into seven zones. Aerial photography using drones was conducted to find seagrass areas, GPS tracking was carried out on foot in the intertidal zone and by boat and SCUBA diving in the subtidal zone. To analyze the seagrass status, we measured the morphological characteristics, shoot density, and biomass of representative seagrass species in each zone. Four seagrass species were found in this area: Zostera japonica, Z. marina, Ruppia maritima, and Phyllospadix japonicus. The distribution areas of each species was 338.2 ha, 92.9 ha, 0.9 ha, and 1.4 ha, respectively, with a total area of 432.5 ha. Z. japonica was widely distributed in most of the tidal flats and mudflats of the Nakdong River estuary, while Z. marina was restricted to Nulcha-do, Jinu-do, and Dadae-dong. R. maritima occurred within the habitat of Z. japonica in Eulsukdo and Myeongji mudflats, and P. japonicus inhabited rocky areas in Dadae-dong. The shoot density of each species was 4,575.8±338.3 shoots m-2, 244.8±12.0 shoots m-2, 11,302.1±290.0 shoots m-2, and 2862.5±153.5 shoots m-2, respectively. The biomass of each species was 239.7±18.5 gDW m-2, 362.3±20.5 gDW m-2, 33.3±1.2 gDW m-2, and 1,290.0±37.0 gDW m-2, respectively. The results of this study revealed that Z. japonica was dominant in the Nakdong River estuary. In particular, Z. japonica habitats of Eulsukdo, Daema-deung, and Myeongji mudflats were identified as the largest in Korea. The Nakdong River estuary is an important site of ecological, environmental, and economic value, and will require continuous investigation and management of the native seagrasses.

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