
비교우위지수(RCA/CAC)를 이용한 사료 수출 경쟁력 분석: 동남아 시장을 중심으로
Analysis on Korea’s Feed Export Competitiveness Using Comparative Advantage Index(RCA/CAC): Focusing on Southeast Asian Market
Document Type
농업경제연구. Dec 31, 2019 60(4):53
Export Competitiveness
Revealed Comparative Advantage
Comparative Advantage by Country
This study analyzes the situation of Korea's feed exports and the trend of changes in export competitiveness, focusing on Southeast Asian countries which are emerging as a feed export market. The Revealed Comparative Advantage(RCA) and Comparative Advantage by Country(CAC) index are applied to see changes in international competitiveness of Korean feed in the world market and major export markets of Southeast Asian countries. Analytical results show that the increase in exports of Korean feed is largely leaded by supplementary feeds and pet foods during 2013-2017, and the increase of export of these products is attributable to the increase in export competitiveness in individual country. Supplementary feeds and pet foods as relatively high value-added feeds will be able to expand its exports if we prepare a proper export expansion strategy. In particular, the Korean government needs to establish a system for providing information. on the promising feed export markets because exporting companies for supplemental feed. and pet foods are generally small-sized enterpizes with lacks ability to collect overseas market information. Also the establishment of a statistical system by feed item of detail is requested to identify exactly what the promising export items are more clearly.

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