
李白 작품의 眞僞 논쟁에 대한 小考 ― 樂府詩 <去婦詞>와 <猛虎行>을 중심으로
The controversy over the authenticity of Li Bai's works: Focusing on <Qufuci(去婦詞)> and <Menghuxing(猛虎行)>
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중국학논총 / Journal of Chinese Studies. Dec 30, 2023 82:1
Li Bai(李白)’s Poems
Wang Qi
Zhan ying
Li Bai's works include more than 1,000 poems and 60 sentences. Although Li Bai produced this much work during his lifetime, his work was scattered throughout his unstable wandering life. Three collections of his writings were published during the Tang Dynasty, including 10 volumes of Li Yang Bing(李陽冰)'s "Caotang Collection"(草堂集). However, due to the chaotic period at the end of the Tang dynasty, all of them have been lost. Fortunately scholars interested in organizing and compiling Li Bai's poems and texts from the Song dynasty have since compiled a collection of Li Bai's writings. In the early Northern Song Dynasty, Yue Shi(樂史) collected Li Bai's works and compiled 20 volumes of "Li Hanlin's Collection"(李翰林集), containing 776 poems, and 10 volumes of "Li Hanlin's Collected Works"(李翰林別集), containing Li Bai's sentences. However, the collection of Li Bai's poems by Yue Shi was lost, and only the separate collection of sentences has survived. In the Middle Northern Song Dynasty, Song MinQiu(宋敏求) compiled a total of 1,001 poems and 65 sentences into 30 volumes of the Collected Works of Li Taibai(李太白文集), adding works widely collected from stone carvings and other collections to the 776 poems collected by Yue Shi(樂史) as well. He collected Li Bai's poems widely, greatly expanding their quantity, and systematically classified them into 21 categories, completing a truly complete collection of Li Bai's writings. However, the Song MinQiu edition, due to the various collection processes, contained some forgeries and later caused difficulties in determining the authenticity of Li Bai's poems and texts. The Song MinQiu edition was printed in Su Zhou(蘇州) at the end of the Northern Song, and the only surviving copy of this Song edition is the 30-volume Song Shu edition(宋蜀本) of the Collected Works of Li Taibai(李太白文集). This is the oldest surviving edition of Li Bai's poetry collection and is held in the National Library of China and Japan. Among Li Bai's works, Qufuci(去婦詞) and Menghuxing(猛虎行) are often cited in the forgery debate. Out of Li Bai's total of 160 Yuefu-shi(樂府詩), "Qufuci(去婦詞)" appears in the forth of "Yuefu(樂府)". However, the opinion that Qufuci(去婦詞) is not the work of Li Bai has been raised since the Southern Song Dynasty. The Southern Song Dynasty's Peng Shu Xia(彭叔夏) and the Yuan Dynasty's Xiao Shi Yun(蕭士贇), among others, are considered to have been mistakenly inserted into Li Bai's collection by later generations because of the many signs of alteration. There is also a poem very similar to the Li Bai poem, Qufuci(去婦詞), but under a different author's name. In the Tang Dynasty's Wei Hu(韋縠) "Cai Diao Ji"(才調集), Qufuci(去婦詞) is listed as Qifuci(棄婦詞) by Gu Kuang(顧況), and there is only a four-stanza difference between Gu Kuang's Qifuci(棄婦詞) and the Qufuci(去婦詞) attributed to Li Bai. In addition, although this Qufuci(去婦詞) euphemistically describes the woman's resentment, it is straightforward, monotonous, and very plain, which is very different from other poems that Li Bai describes women. Therefore, it is likely that Qufuci(去婦詞), which was included in Li Bai's collection of poems, was mistakenly attributed to Li Bai during the compilation of Gu Kuang. In addition, Menghuxing(猛虎行), also known as Li Bai's Yuefu(樂府), is included in the fourth installment of the Yuefu(樂府). Wang Qi(王琦) of the Qing Dynasty estimated that Li Bai wrote Menghuxing in the fifteenth year of Xuan Zong(玄宗)'s TianBao(天寶, 756), after the An Shi Rebellion(安史之亂) outbreak, from various literary sources, but he was unable to attribute it to Zhang Xu(張旭). However, Zhang Xu was probably already dead by the 6th year of TianBao (747), according to the New History of the Tang Dynasty and poems by Li Qi(李頎) and Su Huan(蘇渙). Even if Zhang Xu was alive until the 15th year of Tianbao, an elderly Zhang Xu does not match the heroic image of the poem. As such, the idea that Menghuxing is not the work of Li Bai was raised as early as the Song dynasty. Yan Yu(嚴羽) of the Song dynasty and Xiao Shi Yun of the Yuan dynasty were considered to have mistakenly inserted into a collection of Li Bai's poems as they did not make sense and were out of context. In addition, in Menghuxing(猛虎行), Li Bai's free and romantic symbolism 3and unrestrained use of alliteration are absent, and the poem is considered to be a forgery by Li Bai because of the inconsistency between the poem's creation and Zhang Xu's death. As such, it would be desirable for scholarly community to publicize the verification of works of Li Bai, based on existing research, so as not to continue wasteful debates.

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