
자동제어기기의 경쟁력 제고방안에 관한 연구 : H사의 산업용 온도조절기를 중심으로 / Study about the Method to Improve Competitiveness of Automatic Control Systems : Based on Industrial Temperature Controllers of H Company
Document Type
Dissertation/ Thesis
Temperature Controllers
오늘날 현대 사회는 산업화의 가속화로 문명의 발달은 첨단산업이 주도하고 있으며, 우리 생활에 필요한 모든 생필품들은 기초과학의 토대위에 제반 산업의 기술이 더해짐으로서 우리에게 적지 않은 변화로 편리하게 다가오고 있다.본 논문은 자동제어기기의 경쟁력 제고방안에 관한 연구로 산업용 온도조절기에 관하여 서술 하였다.이 연구에 서술된 H사의 산업용 온도조절기는 이 시대 공장 자동화에 필요한 필수 제품이다. 이에 산업용 온도조절기는 오래 전부터 개발되었고 현재 까지도 지속적인 개발이 필요한 부분이다.이를 위하여 이 연구는 자동제어기기 전반에 관하여 논의 하지는 않았지만 자동제어기기의 한축을 이루는 산업용 온도조절기를 서술 하면서 자동화산업 시장 전반에 대해 경쟁력 제고 방안도 엿볼 수가 있었다.이러한 시점에서 이 연구를 요약해 보면,산업용 온도조절기의 개발환경과 구매 결정과정에 있어서, 산업용 온도조절기의 개념과 분류 및 개발환경의 문제점,그리고 구매분석을 하였으며, H사의 산업용 온도조절기의 시장현황은 수요자 분석에 의하여 신제품의 수요가 요구되며, 유통체계의 개선도 필요로 하고 있다.또한 경쟁사 간의 시장점유율을 비교하면서 브랜드 지명도와 브랜드 가치 향상에 대해서도 고찰하였다. 그리고 마지막으로 산업용 온도조절기의 경쟁력 제고방안에 관하여 서술 하였다.
A cutting-edge industry is leading a development of our culture as the modern society is rapidly commercialized. Accordingly, necessary products for our life have come to us giving us a comfort since the technology of a developmental industry is added on top of a fundamental science.This study relates to a plan for improving the competitiveness of a automatic control device, and more particularly, to a industrial temperature indicator controller.The industrial temperature indicator controller of H company described in this study is an essential product for a factory automation. The industrial temperature indicator controller has been developed for a long time and it is still in progress of development.Although, an overview of the temperature indicator controller was not discussed in this study, the improvement plan of an overall market condition of an automation industry was briefly looked into, while describing about the industrial temperature indicator controller which is one of an important factor in automatic control devices.To summarize the study, a concept and classification of the industrial temperature indicator controller, a problem of circumstances of the development, and an analysis on a purchase were examined in development circumstances of the industrial temperature indicator controller and a procedure of purchasing determination. Also, in market circumstances of the industrial temperature indicator controller of H company, a demand of new products are required by analyzing consumers in the market. Accordingly, an improvement on a system of the distribution is also required. Also, a brand recognition and an improvement on the brand value were examined by comparing market shares between competitor companies. Finally, an improvement plan on the competitiveness of the industrial temperature indicator controller was described in the study.Thus, the study suggests the improvement plan on the competitiveness and the result as follows. First, a continuous development on the product corresponding to a demand of the customer, a presentation on the new product, and a display and publicity of the product (domestically and internationally) should be conducted. Second, producing a superb quality product is needed in various factors such as a cost, a reliability, and a competition of a function. Third, an improvement on a rapid distribution system of the product and a rapid process of after service products are required. Fourth, suggesting a vision of the company and a management of an image of the company are required in order to improve the brand value.By conducting this way, the industrial temperature indicator controller of H company can contribute to the improvement on the human life by becoming a leader of an automation of the factory, which leads the current cutting-edge industry.