
이동식 면취기의 인서트팁 수명 개선을 위한 금속 브러시 적용 연구 / Application of Metal Brush Devices to Improve Lifespan of Insert Tips in a Portable Beveling Machine
Document Type
Dissertation/ Thesis
ABSTRACTApplication of Metal Brush Device to ImproveLifespan of Insert Tips in a Portable Beveling MachineSang Hyun LeeDepartment of Industrial System EngineeringGraduate School of IndustryChungnam National University, Daejeon, Korea(Supervised by Professor Joong Seok Lee)This paper presents an experimental study of the wear behaviorand life extension of the insert tip by applying a metal brushdevice to the insert tip mounted on the milling cutter of a portablebeveling machine. The experiments were carried out using STS304material, and the cutting load and wear behavior of the insert tipwere analyzed as a function of the parameters of the wirethickness and density of the metal brush. The experimental datashowed that the cutting load and wear rate varied depending onthe parameters of the metal brush device. As a result, the metalbrush device has a positive effect on the reduction wear of theinsert tips and consequently increases the life of them. When theoptimized brush device whose parameters were determined throughexperiments has been applied in the considered portable bevelingmachine, the average cutting loads were measured about 21.6%lower than that without the brush. This implies the implementationof a metal brush device is effective in maintaining the cutting forceduring the operation of the portable beveling machine. The averagewear length of the insert tips were measured about 3.2 times less,which shows the advantage of the metal brush device in improvingthe life of the insert tips. The research results in this paper areexpected to practically contribute to improving the performance ofthe considered portable beveling machine.