
김정일 시대 북한의 선전화 연구 / A Study on the Propaganda poster of North Korea on Kim Jong Il Preiod
Document Type
Dissertation/ Thesis
"김정일 시대"
"Propaganda poster"
"Kim Jong Il Period"
"Political slogan"
"Ruling ideology"
This thesis explores the North Korean propaganda posters produced during “Kim Jong Il Period” to analyze the change in political change in the ideology. Kim Jong Il Period began in 1974 when he was appointed as Kim Il Sung’s successor and ended 2011 when he died. Based on the relevant documentation, the research includes studying the political slogans and icons featured in the propaganda posters which appeared in the art magazine 『Chosun Art』and popular magazine 『Cheolima』, I categorize the body of posters by the subjects such as politics·military, economics, society·culture, and reunification·diplomacy.The thesis defines the ‘propaganda poster' as “a form of art (agitprop) created to express and promote shifts in the Party’s political directions over time to exert influence in every sphere of society including politics, economics, military, and diplomacy. The artistic expression used to design the poster allows the political message to gain universal power through its compelling and effective image.”The production of the propaganda posters started to grow in the 1980s. The images produced at the time mainly emphasize the ideas such as the , the achievement of economic goals, production and saving energy. They encourage the hard work on North Korean people’s part by heroically depicting the factory workers in images. A higher number of propaganda posters also followed during Kim Il Song Period despite in the short amount of time. They served to successfully stabilize foundation of the new Kim Jong Il’s regime.Since 1998, the propaganda poster that were created under Kim Jong Il’s regime has celebrated ‘Songun (Military-first politics)’ to reinforce the social ties and the idea of people in response to ‘March of Hardship’ and the difficulties of the adjacent Socialist countries. In terms of reunification, they stress Kim Il Song’s teachings and highlight the nationalism to overcome the international isolation. In the posters, Kim Il Song is depicted in a white or black suit having a good time with children and people. In comparison, the image of Kim Jong Il stresses his role as the chief officer wearing a jumper working with army, workers, and technicians. The majority of the propaganda posters that feature the leaders or the Party display figures in a large scale and, in contrast, objects in a small size, in the red or dark background to emphasize the leader’s absolute power. Mine workers, weaving ladies, harvesting scenes are depicted in vibrant color, envisioning the bright future of a flourishing economy. In the posters for reunification, appear the two young men wearing Korean Unification Flag and shoulder bands and Lim Soo Kyoung of World Festival of Youth and Students. They look together in the same direction to suggest that they step forward hand in hand. In the anti-Americanism and anti-imperialism posters, are used the highly charged icons such as the gun, canon, and the US army being trampled upon. Such poster is the only kind of propaganda poster that displays the negativity. I argue that the North Korean propaganda poster is a political tool that supports and promotes the shifting ideology of the North Korean government with the purpose of controlling the society and reinforcing their political goals. The poster is carefully designed to include specific icons, figures, and scenes to inculcate such political view into the minds of North Korean people.