
Moroccan-Korean Trade:Facts, Challenges, and perspectives
Document Type
Dissertation/ Thesis
Morocco and Korea established their diplomatic relationship three decades ago. A number of treaties and agreements have been signed to facilitate exchanges between the two countries at all levels. These treaties and agreements have affected the level of trade between them and make it easier for the trade between the two countries to flourish and prosper. The development of trade between Morocco and Korea has known a very important improvement during the last decade. However, the geographical location of the two countries, among other factors, makes it difficult for the trade to prosper fully.The international trade, defined as the exchange of goods and services across international boundaries, has been present throughout human history and the Silk Road and Amber Road are good example of such existence. Industrialization, multinational companies, advanced transportation, globalization and outsourcing are all having a major impact on the evolution of international trade. Countries that have built export-oriented economies such as Korea, foreign economic policies play a major role in the national economic development. This is clearly shown in the significant flow of goods and services between Morocco and Korea.The trade between Morocco and Korea started around 1979. Till 1985 the trade between Morocco and Korea was a one way trade since only Korea was exporting its locally manufactured products to Morocco. However, and since 1985, the trade between the two countries moved into a positive sense in a way that both countries have become involved in the operation. i. e. Morocco started exporting to Korea too instead of only receiving Korean products. Also, the volume of trade between Morocco and Korea has become bigger and bigger and with the changes that the Korean government introduced to its economic system after the 1997 Asian economic crisis, the trade between the two countries has had greater opportunities.The growth in international trade, investment, and capital flows are more and more linking national economic systems to each other all over the world. This makes it irresistible to political leaders as well as economists in Morocco and Korea to open the door to each other to trade. More and more companies from both sides are taking part in the bilateral trade and in the future businesses between Morocco and Korea will continue to grow. However, there are some challenges that are preventing the Moroccan-Korea trade to flourish and take its real size in this globalized world. In the survey that I conducted, I interviewed 56 traders and businessmen from Morocco to analyze both the challenges and difficulties that the trade between the two countries are facing.From the study that I conducted, I found that a number of challenges are facing the trade between the two countries. The survey shows that the majority of the traders and businessmen are working on their private businesses and their educational levels are somehow low. The survey also shows that the majority of the traders do not have long experience in the field. It also illustrates the difficulties faced by these traders and businessmen such as language problems as well as the geographical distance between Morocco and Korea. More than this, the survey results show that the majority of the businessmen emphasize the role of the two governments in promoting businesses between the two countries. Nevertheless, a sizable number of these traders are thinking of changing the trade destination to other places especially to china.Trade between the two countries faces a lot of challenges in this global world. However, if the two countries ` governments can correctly respond to them and come up with a series of effective policies, the challenges can be transformed to opportunities.