
판매촉진이 지각된 가치와 소비자 태도에 미치는 영향 / The Effects of Sales Promotion on the Perceived Value and Consumer Attitude
Document Type
Dissertation/ Thesis
Recently, consumers are increasingly pursuing diversification and theimprovement of life quality. Population increase and consumer income level isbecoming higher and higher. The material needs for food, beverage, and dailynecessities are also becoming higher. Because of this era of change, underthe condition that traditional market and general store cannot fully meet theconsumer demands, more customers choose to shop in large discount stores.This trend provides a good business environment for large discount stores. InNovember 1993, the first large discount store emart quickly spread after itsopening in Seoul. As circulation market fully opened in 1996, the foreigndiscount store Carrefour entered the domestic market. The competitionbetween enterprises at home and abroad in South Korea was heating up. InDecember 2013, the number of large discount stores with an area of morethan 3000 ㎡is up to 254.This paper, through the investigation of consumer attitudes’ influencestowards the intentions for the future activities in large discount stores,analyzes the leading research that related to the promotion type. The researchaim is to demonstrate promotion and perceived value, promotion andconsumer attitudes, promotion and intention for future activities, therelationship of consumer's attitude toward promotion and the intentions forthe future activities.In order to complete the proposed research purposes, based on the priorstudy of promotion, perceived value, consumer’s attitudes, and the intentionfor future activities, this paper does the theoretical analysis and empiricalstudy. Firstly, it collects the prior study of the proposed variables at homeand abroad by settling the concepts, setting a research model, researchhypothesis and questionnaire survey, and collecting materials. Then, do thedata analysis for the collected data to get the results. This research ispredicting the influence of promotion towards perceived value, consumer’sattitudes, and the intention for future activities in a large discount store salespromotion activity. It takes the customers in large discount stores in Jejuarea (lotte mart, e - mart) as objects, and do the questionnaire by themethod of answering directly. I handed out 378 copies of questionnaires with369 in recovery. Except the dishonest questionnaires, the rest 313 has passedthe SPSS 18.0 for Windows for empirically analyses.The analysis results are as follows:Firstly, the result of part of Hypothesis 1 shall be adopted. Discountcoupons and assumptions of event’s positive effect towards the perceivedvalue are adopted. The assumption that discount, free goods, integralpromotion will affect the perceived value is out of court.Secondly, the result of part of Hypothesis 2 is partly adopted. Theassumption of discount, coupons and event’s positive effect towards theperceived value is adopted. Free goods, integral promotion will affect thecustomers’ attitude is out of court.Thirdly, the result of part of Hypothesis 3 is partly adopted. Discount,coupons and integral promotion will have positive effect towards theintentions for the future activities. The assumption that free goods, integralpromotion will affect the intentions for the future activities is out of court.Fourth, the assumption that the perceived value of promotion will affect thecustomers’ attitude is adopted.Fifth, the assumption that the perceived value of promotion will affect theintentions for the future activities is adopted.Sixth, the assumption that customers’ attitude towards promotion will affectthe intentions for the future activities is adopted.According to the results, the theoretical enlightenments are as follows:Firstly, for consumers to use coupons, it can not only save money, but thecoupon collection and use are also very interesting. Thus, while feeling happytowards the use of coupon, we can also feel the value of shopping. Purediscount promotions cannot trigger consumers' perceived value. Theirperceived value is triggered in the case of ensuring the quality. Integral cancontinue to use, however, the quality of the merchandise will affectconsumers’ evaluation towards products and services.Secondly, customers will be fonder of the products with higher discountrates, which eventually trigger the purchase desire. This is the most effectiveway to introduce new products. Coupon with higher the discount rate willhave better ability to pay. According to the consumer response to thepromotion, they will first have the mind of cognition and emotion, which willinfluence brand cognitive, brand attitude and the desire to buy. We shouldconsider the strategy of different promotion types according to differentpurchasing purposes.Thirdly, event is a particular activity in order to meet the needs ofconsumers in a specific period of time. It has the characteristics of one-off.In general large discount stores, due to the low integral rate, consumers don'tfeel any attraction which is not able to induce the intension for futureactivities.Fourth, if consumers feel more of the value of goods or services, they willmore likely to form positive attitudes.Fifth, in the market area, perceived value is an important factor among allthe factors that will influence purchase intention.Sixth, in the promotion, we should first induce consumers’ interest,triggering the link of offline retail enterprises by purchasing link naturally.Moreover, consumer's attitude toward products is based on the productinformation provided. It is the so called inductive activities to have theformation of a yes or no according to the consumer's perception. Consumer'sattitude toward products and brands is the core to summarize the customerevaluation. Attitude can be seen as the core variables that influence consumeraction.The practical implications of this paper are as follows:Firstly, in a large discount store sales promotion activity, for the consumerperceived value, we should not only provide economic benefits for consumers,but it is also necessary to consider the quality of the products. In a largediscount store sales promotion activity, consumers use promotion to buyproducts and pay the costs. Relatively, they will evaluate the sales promotion.Their value cognitive levels are different. Therefore, in order to improve theconsumers' perceived value, it inspires us that we should not only ensure theeconomic benefits on promotion. More importantly, we should ensure thequality of the products.Secondly, for the consumer attitude in sales promotion, we should not onlyconsider promotion itself, but also classify consumers and subdivide thepromotion means. We should also consider that consumers’ response will bedifferent according to different interest degrees. What kind of consumers canfeel solid consumption through price discount? What kind of consumers canfeel solid consumption through cents-off coupons? Consumers’ response willbe different according to different interest degrees towards promotion means.Thus, we should subdivision consumer groups in the promotion activities,classifying the preferred promotion means of different consumer groups. Aproduct should be provided with different services and preferential treatment.We should also consider the comprehensive promotion for different consumergroups, fully meeting the needs of customers, improving consumers’ attitudes,and triggering their desire of purchasing naturally.Thirdly, in collecting promotion strategies, the marketing department willcollect different strategies according to different purposes. This enlightens us,by the good reaction of consumers, to connect their intension of futureactivities for buying or coming again. For example, we can use pricediscounts and promotions to increase the sales. We should consider theemotional factors in order to induce consumers' interests. It is necessary toachieve the selling purposes through gift promotion.