
中韓言說類動詞對比研究 : 以韓國語漢字詞語義為中心 / The Comparative Study of the Utterance Verbs in Modern Chinese and Korean Language
Document Type
Dissertation/ Thesis
比較是人類認識事物,研究世界的一種基本方法。對比語言學的理論意義正是通過對比,使人們加深對語言的認識。以歷時型研究視角看漢語,它經歷了從上古至今幾千年的歷史。這其中有漢語內部的發展,例如從以單音節為主向雙音節詞的發展;還有外部的影響,如多民族的融合,方言的融合等。我們今天所看到的漢語詞匯是历经漫长发展历程後的漢語。韓國在古代中國文化、經濟各方面較發達時期與其密切接觸,漢字詞作為外來語進入到韓國語體係,有表缺失語義的內部需要,也有對外交流的外部需要。在韓國語詞匯係統中,漢字词佔詞匯總比例的57.9%。韓國語漢字詞雖然同樣是以漢字來構詞,但詞匯係統與現代漢語是存在一定差別的。筆者把韓國語漢字詞和現代漢語詞匯作為比較對象,在相對描述兩者相同之處的同時,意圖揭示兩者發展至今的不同之處。 本文的研究共分為五章,各部分主要內容如下: 第一章:緒論。1.1部分闡釋選題的緣由。1.2部分以“言語行為理論”的傳入為分界線,對漢語言說類動詞的研究歷史及現狀進行評述,介於本文為對比研究課題,筆者又分別對韓國語發話動詞的研究歷史及現狀、言說類動詞與發話動詞對比研究現狀進行簡單評述。1.3部分筆者分別對漢語語言研究領域與“說”有关的四個動詞概念“施為動詞”、“言語行為動詞”、“言說(類)動詞”、“說類動詞”進行闡釋,意在以此界定與對比對象“發話動詞”內涵與外延相一致的概念。1.4部分主要闡釋本文的理論基礎為對比語言學理論體係與詞匯語義學理論體係;並對研究對象進行了選定。 第二章:詞匯形態構造對比。依據言說類動詞的語義特點,結合詞語的詞典概念義,分別對漢語言說類動詞的構詞構造與韓國語發話動詞的構詞特征進行描寫。並以漢語言說類動詞的合成詞部分與韓國語發話動詞的漢字詞部分為中心,進行構詞結構比例上的數值對比,依據數據進行分析。 第三章:同形同義詞對比。在詞形異同界定基準設立的前提下,3.1部分對中韓言說類動詞進行詞形上的對比,並對異形詞與同形詞進行歸類統計。依據3.1部分同形詞的統計數據,3.2部分在中韓言說類動詞同形詞內部再次對詞義的異同進行界定與數據統計,最終得出中韓言說類動詞的數量及比例。3.3部分對中韓同形同義言說類動詞進行詞頻對比,並依據詞頻對比數據對中韓言說類動詞義位的發展演變進行分析。 第四章:同位詞群對比。依據蕭國政(2007)提出,並由其學生肖珊(2011)進行理論豐富的“詞群-詞位變體”理論,分別通過4.2、4.3、4.4三部分對中韓一般言說類動詞“說1”、中韓性質言說類動詞“說2”、中韓方式言說類動詞“說3”進行基元結構與同位詞群層面的對比。驗證肖珊(2011)漢語以“說”為代表的詞群系統的同時,構建韓國語漢字詞發話動詞“說1”“說2”“說3”次詞群及詞群内部的語義结構系統网络。 第五章:結論。5.1部分主要從四個方面闡述本文的主要結論。5.2部分對本文研究工作的一些不足及有待今後可以進一步研究完善的相關問題進行敘述。
Comparison is a basic method for human beings to understand things and study the world. The theoretical significance of contrastive linguistics is to deepen people's understanding of language through comparison. From the perspective of diachronic research, Chinese has experienced thousands of years of history from ancient times to the present. The Chinese vocabulary we see today is Chinese after a long history of development. South Korea was in close contact with ancient China in terms of culture and economy. In Korean vocabulary system, Sino-Korean Words account for 57.9% of the total. Although Sino-Korean Words are also formed by Chinese characters, there are some differences between the vocabulary system of Korean and modern Chinese. The author takes Korean Chinese words and modern Chinese words as the object of comparison. While describing the similarities between these two words, the author intends to reveal the differences between them. The research of this paper is divided into five chapters. The main contents of each part are as follows: Chapter 1: Introduction. 1.1 Explain the reason of this topic. Part 1.2 takes the introduction of "speech act theory" as the dividing line to comment on the research history and current situation of Chinese speaking verbs. Since this paper is a subject of comparative study, the author briefly reviews the research history and current situation of utterance verbs in Korean, as well as the current situation of comparative study in Modern Chinese and Korean. In part 1.3, the author explains four verb concepts related to "speaking" in the field of Chinese language research, in order to define the concept that is consistent with the connotation and denotation of "utterance verbs" as the object of comparison. Part 1.4 mainly explains that the theoretical basis of this paper is the theoretical system of comparative linguistics and lexical semantics. And the research object is selected. Chapter 2: Contrast of lexical morphological structure. Based on the semantic characteristics of utterance verbs and the lexical concepts of words, this paper describes the word-formation structure of utterance verbs in Chinese and Korean. And makes an analysis based on the data. Chapter 3: Comparison of synonyms. Under the premise of the establishment of the standard of defining the similarities and differences of morphology, part 3.1 makes a morphological comparison between Chinese and Korean utterance verbs, and classifies and counts the heteromorphic words and homomorphic words. According to the statistical data of part 3.1 of the homographs, part 3.2 of the homographs in Chinese and Korean utterance verbs again defines the similarities and differences of word meaning and data statistics, and finally obtains the number and proportion of Chinese and Korean utterance verbs. Part 3.3 compares the frequency of homographs and synonyms between Chinese and Korean, and analyzes the development of sememes of homographs and synonyms between Chinese and Korean. Chapter 4: Comparison of apposition word groups. According to Xiao Guozheng (2007) and his student Xiao Shan (2011), the theory of "Synset-Allolexeme". Through parts 4.2, 4.3 and 4.4, the comparison is made on the primitive structure and the apposition lexical group level of Chinese and Korean general speech verb "Shuo1", Chinese and Korean nature speech verb "Shuo2", and Chinese and Korean style speech verb "Shuo3". While verifying the Chinese word group system represented by "Shuo" by Xiao Shan (2011), this paper constructs the semantic structure system network within the Sino-Korean utterance verbs sub-word groups of "Shuo 1", "Shuo 2" and "Shuo 3". Chapter 5: Conclusion. Part 5.1 mainly elaborates the main conclusions of this paper from four aspects. Part 5.2 describes some deficiencies of this research work and related problems that need to be further studied and improved in the future.