
The Effects of Super-Leadership on Employee’s Thriving at work and Followership
Document Type
Dissertation/ Thesis
Super leadership
Organizational identification
Thriving at work
As workplace diversity grows, company managers face the enormous problems of managing a diverse workforce and promoting employee proactivity. These issues have attracted more attention and study from researchers. The notion of "super leadership" has gained increasing attention and inquiry due to the strengthening of globalisation and diversity trends in recent years. The first study mostly concentrated on theoretical and conceptual elements, such as establishing clear definitions and metrics for super leadership and investigating its correlation with organisational success. As study progressed, an increasing number of academics started investigating the impact of super leadership on aspects like as employee relations and organisational effectiveness. Concurrently, as the scope and substance of leadership behaviour research grew, super leadership emerged as a leadership style that combines elements of relational and empowering leadership. Super leadership has the effect of empowering subordinates, improving their ability to follow and perform their jobs, and fostering their development as future leaders. This research focuses on the significance of super leadership, with a particular emphasis on demonstrating respect and concern for colleagues, fostering their leadership abilities and independence, and embracing people with varied perspectives and experiences. This leadership technique has the ability to enhance employee followership and promote flourishing in the workplace, allowing subordinates to fully use their capabilities and facilitating the success of the organisation. In the current fiercely competitive business landscape, firms need a constant stream of innovative ideas and the capacity to adjust quickly. This calls for people who possess a strong sense of initiative and leadership skills. Simultaneously, leadership that encourages employee initiative and leadership skills has a substantial influence on several facets of employee engagement, work attitudes, followership, and flourishing at work, so contributing to both organisational advancement and individual development. Hence, examining the correlation between employee followership and flourishing in the workplace is of paramount importance for both organisational advancement and individual employee development.The objective of this research is to investigate the influence of super leadership on employee organisational identity, followership, and flourishing at work. Additionally, it wants to examine the mediating effect of organisational identification and the moderating effect of calling. We conducted a comprehensive examination and evaluation of the pertinent literature pertaining to the primary variables addressed in the study. This included elucidating the ideas and definitions of important theories, as well as exploring their evolution and prior investigations. Subsequent hypotheses were created and then supported by evidence. Utilising SPSS and AMOS, we performed statistical analysis on 458 valid survey replies. The primary impacts were assessed by hierarchical regression analysis, while the mediating effects were studied using the Bootstrap approach. Additionally, the moderating effects were also analysed through hierarchical regression. The research confirmed the correlations between exceptional leadership and job meaningfulness, organisational identity, followership, and flourishing at work via a survey conducted among workers in Shandong province. The findings demonstrate a clear and direct association between exceptional leadership and both organisational identity and employee followership, as well as flourishing at work. Furthermore, there was a positive correlation seen between the significance of one's employment and their level of followership and overall success in the workplace. Moreover, organisational identification served as a mediator in the connection between super leadership and followership, as well as between super leadership and flourishing at work. To clarify, exceptional leadership has the ability to improve employee commitment and success in the workplace by promoting a strong sense of belonging to the organisation. Job meaningfulness acted as a moderator in the connection between super leadership and organisational identity. The results of this research have important practical implications for firms and leaders, especially in terms of encouraging individual autonomy and cultivating strong employee relationships. This study integrates the concepts of followership and flourishing at work into the examination of the effects of super leadership. This enhances the existing research on factors related to super leadership and has important implications for the development of super leadership theory. The paper investigates the role of organisational identification as a mediating variable in the context of super leadership. It explores how organisational identification mediates the relationship between super leadership and employee followership, as well as employee thriving at work. This study provides valuable insights into this novel investigation. Moreover, the empirical investigation into the impact of work meaningfulness on the link between super leadership and organisational identity adds to the growing corpus of research on calling. This study aims to investigate and confirm the relevance of various concepts and theories, such as employee organisational identification, thriving at work, followership, and job meaningfulness, in the Chinese cultural context. It offers theoretical guidance and serves as a reference for future studies on these variables. Furthermore, the study delineates areas of research that have not been well addressed, constraints that have been encountered, and promising avenues for future research.