
Research on the Impact of Intellectual Property Protection on Firm Innovation Capability under Life Cycle Theory : -The Mediating Effect of Enterprise Innovation Orientation
Document Type
Dissertation/ Thesis
Key words: Intellectual property protection
enterprise life cycle
enterprise innovation capability
high-tech enterprises
AbstractResearch on the Impact of Intellectual Property Protection on Firm Innovation Capability under Life Cycle Theory -The Mediating Effect of Enterprise Innovation OrientationYu LuSupervised by Prof. Yang Yi Dept. Of Global Business & EntrepreneurshipGraduate School of Gachon UniversitySince China has focused on the overall development of high-tech enterprises with the rapidly growth rate in recent years, those of which belong to the important knowledge-intensive industries in China. They not only play the role of integrating technological resources, but also promoting national economic development. Therefore, they have been attached importance and strongly supported by the state. On this regard, this paper further explores the relationship between intellectual property protection level and innovation capability of high-tech enterprises. Combined with the life cycle theory, it studies the impact on performance in different life cycles, and discusses whether the level of intellectual property protection will improve enterprise innovation ability in any life cycle stage, so as to better speed up their progression, enhance the level of national innovation, promote the comprehensive national competitiveness.First of all, with relevant theories and literature review, this paper analyzes the relationship between enterprise life cycle and innovation capability of high-tech enterprises, then puts forward corresponding research hypotheses. Secondly, it takes listed high-tech enterprises as the research object, divides their industry life cycle, and then adopts multiple regression model to conduct regression analysis on enterprise innovation capability from the whole and life cycle aspects respectively. In the regression results, it tests the influence of intellectual property rights on enterprise innovation ability, and tests the influence of different enterprise life cycle on intellectual property rights and enterprise innovation ability. The research finds that firstly, the overall intellectual property protection has an inverted u-shaped relationship with enterprises. Secondly, intellectual property protection has different impacts on enterprise innovation capability in different life cycle stages. With the enhancement of intellectual property protection level, there exists optimal intellectual property strength for enterprises in growth and decline stages, since there is no optimal IP strength in a recession. Thirdly, innovation orientation has a mediating effect between intellectual property protection and enterprise innovation capability. Finally, it summarizes the model regression results, and puts forward the targeted policies and suggestions from the whole sample and samples in different life cycle stages.