
고등학교 한국사 교과서 단원 체제 및 소주제 구성 분석 : 민족의 기원 및 초기국가를 중심으로 / Analysis of Unit Systems and Composition of Small Topics in High School Korean History Textbooks: With a focus on the origins of the Korean people and early states
Document Type
Dissertation/ Thesis
Following the trend of reinforced history education in Korean history textbooks, major changes took place through the "Revised Curriculums of 2009 and 2011: one was a shift from the government-designated textbooks system to the authorized textbooks system, and the other was autonomy granted to medium or small topics according to the great reinforcement of curriculums. Although some claim that textbooks are merely texts, there is no doubt that they hold absolute significance in the actual field of education, which means that the importance of textbook content needs no explanation and that unit systems and small topics should be properly arranged in textbooks for effective learning and understanding. Since the parts on the racial origin and early states are first exposed to students in textbooks, the concerned topics should be arranged in a way that can arouse interest in them so that they will efficiently enhance their historical thinking abilities. Based on those perceptions, this study analyzed the unit systems and the arrangement of small topics in "Korean History" textbooks. As for unit organization, the Korean history textbooks were organized in medium units-small units-items in the biggest percentage. As the "Korean History(2009)" was replaced with "Korean History(2011)," the percentage of unit titles in the descriptive form increased compared with those in the conclusive type with unit titles in the question type for certain topics. It is considered as a good method to reduce the stiff feel of textbooks and stimulate the thinking abilities of students to improve learning effects. As for the arrangement of small topics, it will be a better approach to arrange the small topics on the "racial origin of Korean people" after the Bronze Age according to the time sequence since teaching the "racial origin of Korean people" after covering all the aspects of the Old Stone Age, New Stone Age, and Bronze Age will help the students understand the "racial origin of Korean people" in a stepwise, systematic way. It will be better to arrange the small topics on "Gojoseon" according to the chronological sequence and present the Old Stone Age, New Stone Age, Bronze Age, Gojoseon, Iron Age, Wiman Joseon, and other states in the order because the arrangement of topics according to the time sequence can help the students figure out contextually that Gojoseon was formed based on the culture of the Bronze Age and understand naturally that states were changed in more developed forms after the introduction of ironware. The small topics on "various states" are deeply connected to the developmental stages of state. The achievement criteria in the Revised Curriculums of 2009 and 2011 state that students should "examine the social aspects of various states that emerged during the Iron Age" and "examine the social aspects and customs of various states that emerged during the early Iron Age." When those points are considered, it will be the best approach to arrange small topics on "various states" by the fields including politics, economy, society, and culture since the students can compare and understand many different political groups in terms of nature according to the developmental stages of state with the small topics on politics and also social aspects and customs with those on the other fields.