
자기 배려의 덕과 혼인의 계보학 : Michel Foucault의 성의 역사 4: 육체의 고백을 중심으로 / The Virtue of Self-care and the Genealogy of Marriage
Document Type
Dissertation/ Thesis
미셸 푸코
육체의 고백
This thesis deals with the themes of ‘self-reflection’ and ‘self-transformation’ included in Christian marital life. The goal of this thesis to reach through genealogical research on self-care by M. Foucault is to examine the understanding of marriage as a locus of spiritual practice within the Christian tradition. In The History of Sexuality 4: Confession of the Flesh, Foucault discusses the correlation between ‘self-awareness’ and ‘the virtue of self-care’. His work tries to reveal that the virtue of self-care in the Christian tradition has been disconnected from the tradition of subjective self-transformation as well. Foucault’s work, which analyzes the writings of the Christian Fathers, raises fundamental questions about marital relationship. Through genealogical insights into marriage, this thesis examines the fact that the literature of the biblical era and the early Christian fathers contained discussions on the relationship between husband and wife and traces of the cultivation of the virtue of self-care, which is confirmed in the Documents of the Second Vatican Council, especially in the Gaudium et spes. It deals with the conjugal love as a gift, which is presented the self to the other in the Christian marriage, In the Amoris Laetitia Pope Francis writes that Christian marital life can be a locus of personal growth and fulfillment. This thesis confirms whether the Christian marital life can be a locus of virtue practice and spiritual practice, and tried to see that spouse helps the other spouse’s salvation through mutual love and responsibility, as well as by establishing an ethical relationship with themselves.