
전면문제중심학습이 치의학교육의 자기주도적 학습, 의사소통, 문제해결 능력에 미치는 영향 / Effects of Full Problem Based Learning of Dental Students on self-directed learning, communication, and problem solving abilities
Document Type
Dissertation/ Thesis
치의학 교육
자기주도적 학습
문제해결 능력
Introduction : The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of problem based learning(PBL) on dental education, especially self-directed learning, communication, and problem solving abilities to dental students. The problems to be investigated in this study were as follows:1. Does the PBL improve the ability of self-directed learning ability?2. Does the PBL change the communication ability?3. Does the PBL change the strategy of problem solving ability?Material and Method : The participants of this study were 39 students in experimental group and 68 students in control group. The measurement tools of this study were self-directed learning, communication, and problem solving abilities test designed by the Korean Educational Development Institute (KEDI). The data was analyzed by the two-way ANOVA and ANOVA with repeated measure. Results & Conclusion : The major findings of this study were as follows:1. In self-directed learning ability during 3 semesters, experimental group showed U-shape change but control one showed reverse U-shape change. In the experimental group, the self-directed learning ability was decreased after one year, second semester.2. The level of communication ability has decreased day by day during 3 semesters in both control and experimental groups. The level of communication ability in experimental group has continuously decreased during 3 semesters except one semester.3. In problem solving ability during 3 semesters, experimental group showed reverse U-shape change but control one showed U-shape change. In the experimental group, There was no change after two semesters.On the basis of the findings on this study, the following conclusions can be made. Firstly, problem based learning has a positive educational effect compared to didactic based learning within one year.Secondly, the appropriate length of PBL is 2 semesters or one year. It could be recommended that dental education in Korea should be blended or hybridized with PBL, for example, the learning with briefly lectured or block lecture by teachers.Key words: dental education, PBL(problem based learning), self-directed learning, communication, problem solving abilities