
Study of Hechuang factory renovation of Sichuan province, China / 중국 사천성 청두시 폐공장 재건축에 대한 연구
Document Type
Dissertation/ Thesis
도시 기억,도시재생
The thesis illustrates two aspects as follow :firstly, how to redevelop and industrial buildings, secondly, how to preserve the industrial culture.With rapid progress of China’s economy,many cities have gone into post-industrial period with a lot of discarded buildings and equipments. It becomes a big issue that how to utilize these buildings and equipments. Regretfully, the idea “Reuse of old industrial buildings ” has not widely accepted yet , and a lot of old industrial buildings with high cultural value and reuse value has demolished.Under such situation ,this thesis presents my research about adaptive reuse of old industrial buildings. This thesis studies the relevant theories about adaptive reuse through its historical development, research methodology and basic frame. After which, it presents the relevant theories about adaptive reuse. The thesis based on the needs of the society and history, aimed at the function of the architectures up to date ,The thesis showed the culture ethic about how to treat the industrial culture .