
경륜선수 스트레스요인 및 대처방안이 직업만족과 전환장벽에 미치는 영향 / An Effect on Satisfaction with Jobs and Barrier to Job Change of Bicyclists' Stress Factors and Countermeasures
Document Type
Dissertation/ Thesis
스트레스 요인
Bicyclists reflect environmental traits. So the examination and the understanding of stress cause help grasp the countermeasure against stress. It is necessary to investigate bicyclists' satisfaction with jobs and barrier to job change. By using questionnaire survey, this study investigated 317 bicyclists' cause of stress. This study, after coding and inputting collected materials, performed frequency analysis, reliance analysis, t-test, one-way Anova, co-relation analysis, and course analysis and leaded to the conclusion as followings.1. Comparison of stress factors, classified with general traits. The bicyclists in their 40s showed higher functional stress than the bicyclists in their 20s, and the bicyclists in their 30s, 40s showed higher economic stress than the bicyclists in their 20s. The bicyclists with longer than 10 years' experience showed high economy, co-worker stress and the bicyclists with the experience, longer than 4 years and shorter than 6 years, showed high organization stress. The selection class bicyclists showed high co-worker function stress and the bicyclists, selection class and excellence class, showed high organization stress. The bicyclists gaining more than 10 million won a month showed higher function stress than the bicyclists gaining less than 5 million won, 10 million won, and the bicyclists gaining more than 5 million won a month showed high organization stress. The bicyclists with an additional job showed high organization factor stress.2. Comparison of satisfaction with jobs, classified with general traits. The bicyclists in their 20s showed high satisfaction with jobs, inner as well as outer, than the bicyclists in their 30s, 40s. The bicyclists with the experiences, longer than 2 years and shorter than 4 years, the bicyclists with excellence class and special selection class, the bicyclists with monthly income more than 3 million won, and the bicyclists with academic history of graduation from highschool showed high outer satisfaction, 3. Comparison of stress countermeasure factor, classified with general traits. The bicyclists in their 20s showed high direct, physical, psychological, and mental stress countermeasure, The shorter their career, the higher direct countermeasure they showed.. The bicyclists with less than 2 years' career showed high psychological countermeasure, the bicyclists with career, longer than 2 years and shorter than 4 years, showed high mental countermeasure, and the bicyclists with career, longer than 4 years and shorter than 6 years, showed high negative countermeasure. As for bicyclists' direct, mental countermeasure against stress, classified with their classes, excellence class and special selection class bicyclists showed higher direct countermeasure than selection class bicyclists, and excellence class bicyclists showed high psychological countermeasure.The income earner, 10 million won a month, showed high direct physical countermeasure, and the income earner, less than 5 million won a month, showed higher physical, mental countermeasure than the income earner, less than 3 million won a month.Highschool graduators showed high direct, physical, and mental countermeasure. The bicyclists with additional jobs showed high physical countermeasure. 4. Comparison of change barrier, classified with general traits As for change barrier, concerning on 'relationship', the bicyclists in their 20s, the bicyclists with runner career, less than 2 years, and the bicyclists with the runner classification of excellence showed high. Concerning on 'countermeasure', the bicyclists with the career, longer than 4 years and shorter than 6 years, and the bicyclists with the monthly wage, less than 7 million won, showed high. Concerning on 'procedure', the bicyclists with career, longer than 8 years and shorter than 10 years, and the bicyclists with monthly wage less than 5 million won showed high. Concerning on 'finance', junior college graduators showed high.5. Analysis of Correlation This study analyzed the correlation among general trait variables and stress factors, satisfaction with jobs, countermeasure against stress, and barrier to change, and scrutinized meaningful correlation. First, age and economy showed positive correlation. Age and outer satisfaction, inner satisfaction, relation, direct countermeasure, and physical countermeasure showed negative correlation. As for marriage status, outer satisfaction, inner satisfaction, directive countermeasure, mental countermeasure showed positive correlation. Runner career and economy positive correlation. Outer satisfaction, inner satisfaction, correlation, directive countermeasure showed negative correlation. Bicyclist runner classification, outer satisfaction, inner satisfaction, relation, and mental countermeasure showed positive correlation. Co-worker, function, and organization showed negative correlation. Monthly wage, outer satisfaction, inner satisfaction, and direct countermeasure showed positive correlation. Co-worker, function, organization, and procedure showed negative correlation. Academic career, directive countermeasure, and physical countermeasure showed negative correlation. Job change and outer satisfaction, inner satisfaction, relation, directive countermeasure, psychological countermeasure, and physical countermeasure showed positive correlation. Second, as for the countermeasure factor of stress and satisfaction with jobs, private stress and outer satisfaction show negative correlation. Co-worker stress and inner satisfaction, functional stress and inner satisfaction show negative correlation. Organization stress factor, and inner satisfaction and outer satisfaction show negative correlation. Third, as for the stress factor and job change, private stress factor and finance and procedure of change barrier factor showed positive correlation, but it and relation showed negative correlation. Relation shows negative correlation, and as functional stress gets lower, so relation gets higher. organization stress and procedure shows positive stress. Fourth, as for the relation between stress factor and substitution factor, co-worker stress and psychological stress show positive correlation. Fifth, as for the relation between satisfaction with jobs and stress substitution factor, outer satisfaction and direct and mental factor show positive correlation. Inner factor, and direct, psychological factor show positive correlation. Sixth, as for the relation between change barrier to jobs and stress substitution factor, relation, and direct, psychological, and mental factor show positive correlation. Finance, physical, psychological factor show positive correlation. 6. An effect of Bicyclists' stress factor and countermeasure on satisfaction with duties and change barrier to works.They showed negative (-) effect on stress factor and satisfaction with works. Countermeasure to stress and satistaction with works had a positive (+) effect.