
조모의 손자녀 양육스트레스가 신체적 건강과 삶의 질에 미치는 영향 / Grandmothers raising grandchildren : an impact of Grandmothers' parental stress on their health and quality of life
Document Type
Dissertation/ Thesis
조모 양육스트레스
신체적 건강
삶의 질
(Abstract) The purpose of the study is to investigate an impact of grandmothers' parental stress on their physical health and quality of life, especially grandmothers who are raising their grandchildren. A survey using a structured questionnaire was conducted to address the research questions, and participants were 136 grandmothers who were raising grandchildren under age of 6, residing in Daegu City. The findings of the study were indicated as follows. First, there were statistically significant differences in grandmothers' parental stress based on their educational levels and having diseases. For instance, grandmothers who didn't have education and have diseases showed higher level of parenting stress than grandmothers who had formal education and had no diseases. Second, there were statistically significant differences in grandmothers' physical health by the educational level, financial status, and having diseases. In addition, their quality of life was also significantly different based on their financial status. Specifically, those who had lower level of educational and financial status and had disease seemed to show significantly worse physical health condition than those who had higher educational and financial status. In addition, grandmothers who had monthly income over 201 and 250 thousand won showed significantly higher level of quality of life compared with other monthly income groups. Third, the result of the study showed grandmothers' parenting stress had a negative impact on their physical health. Especially, social isolation was the most significant factor in explaining their physical health, then attachment and role restriction, and sense of competence. However, the depression had no statistically significant impact on their physical health. Finally, the findings also indicated grandmothers' parenting stress had statistically signigicant negative impact on their quality of life. Specifically, sense of competence, social isolation, and role restriction were significant factors in explaining their quality of life, while the attachment and depression had no impact on their physical health. In conclusion, this study examined how grandmothers' parental stress who raising their grandchildren impacted on their physical health and quality of life and provided useful information for better understanding of grandmother's raising grandchildren in Daegu City.