
의미망 활용이 초등영어 어휘학습에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구 / A Study of the Effects on Vocabulary Learning of Elementary English by Using Semantic Mapping Strategies
Document Type
Dissertation/ Thesis
Many English Language Learners have difficulties with verbal communication due to the lack of structural and grammatical knowledge that take root in vocabulary deficits. Due to this, effective vocabulary education has been emphasized in second language learning and teaching. The purpose of the study is to examine the effects of using semantic mapping strategies for English vocabulary acquisition in elementary schools as a means to improve self-confidence and vocabulary development. This issue is significant for two reasons. First, there are many Korean students who have difficulty memorizing English vocabulary. Second, various researchers have found that semantic mapping strategies are an effective way to generate, structure, and visualize words, which ultimately helps students to build a solid foundation of vocabulary knowledge.In this study, 36 students in the 6th grade of an elementary school in Seoul were sampled through a pre-test aimed at assessing their vocabulary background. Students were divided into two groups with similar proficiency levels. The students in the experimental group were taught using semantic mapping strategies for 6 weeks, whereas the other control group was given lessons directly from their text book. Students from both groups were then given a post vocabulary comprehension test and the data was statistically analyzed.The results of this experiment were as follows. First, the experimental group showed significant improvement in both vocabulary acquisition and understanding, as well as in their attitudes towards learning when compared to the control group. This result showed that the use of semantic mapping strategies is more effective than following normal vocabulary lessons. Second, the low experimental group showed a greater improvement compared to higher-leveled experimental group. This is further evidence of the positive effects that semantic mapping strategies have in vocabulary instruction with elementary school aged English Language Learners.There are a few educational implications to consider in this study. First, students should be learning vocabulary in meaningful ways by using connected reading texts, interesting and engaging activities, collaboration, and sharing their ideas verbally to avoid memorizing vocabulary by repetition. Second, it is important to develop the lesson plans by engaging the activities systematically to build and practice the target vocabulary as it relates to each topic.