
A Study on Residents' and Tourists' Subjectivities toward Ethnic Tourism in Xishuangbanna Using Q-Method
Document Type
Dissertation/ Thesis
The object of this study is to identify the subjectivities of residents and tourists toward ethnic tourism development under four culture theoretical themes: cultural commodification, authenticity, soft power and identity. The study site is Xishuangbanna, which located in southwest of China as a ethnic minorities' autonomous prefecture. Four different opinions of local residents and four different attitudes of tourists have been identified. The interpretations of the eight clusters have been conducted and comparisons of subjectivities perceived by local residents and tourists have been carried on. Different problems of tourism participation and culture protection had been discovered, and possible strategies which can help to overcome these problems have been suggested. This kind of research is needed because the ethnic tourism should be developed in an accepted way by both local residents and tourists and should keep a sustainable development. The Q method is a ideal method to understand people’s opinion, attitude, idea. In this study, Q method was employed to understand local residents’ and tourists’ subjectivities toward ethnic tourism, uses qualitative approaches to create the instruments which is called Q set in a Q method study, and a statistical program PQMethod was used to help researcher to identify the clusters of subjectivities.