
중국 비시장경제에 관한 연구 : 반덤핑을 중심으로 / A Study on China's Non-market Economy Status: With a Focus on Anti-dumping Measures
Document Type
Dissertation/ Thesis
Non-market Economy Status
Market Economy Test
Criteria of Market Economy
Market economy status (MES) has come to the top of the international agenda, bringing heated discussions on whether or not China will soon be granted this status after December 12, 2016. Treating China as a non-market economy (NME) will cause damage effects to China in anti-dumping investigations. For this purpose, this research analyzed cases regarding the NME issue in the US and the EU anti-dumping investigations. Moreover, to address the problem whether China should be treated as an ME in anti-dumping investigations, this research not only examined the degree of ME both in domestic study and international study but also analyzed the ME test in the US and the EU. This research proceeds as follows. The first chapter shows the objective, scope and method of research. The second chapter gives an introduction of NME on WTO agreements. The subsequent chapter reviews the related prior studies from a legalistic approach and empirical approach. Chapter four analyzes the damage effects of China’s NME status, related cases, criteria of ME and ME test in the US and EU. Chapter five suggests alternatives of Chinese government. Conclusion is discussed in the final part.