
우리나라 수족구병 발생의 시공간분석과 기상 및 사회경제 요인과의 연관성 / The Spatiotemporal risk mapping of hand, foot and mouth disease and its association with meteorological and socioeconomic factors in children
Document Type
Objectives: Hand, foot, and mouth disease (HFMD) is a common infectious disease that mostly occurs in infants and children. It is influenced by multiple environmental and socioeconomic factors, and its pathogenesis is complex. We describe the patterns of HFMD occurrence and analyze the effects of meteorological and socioeconomic factors on national HFMD incidencesMethods: We investigated the association between weekly HFMD cases in children aged 1.4 m/s seemed to reduce the risk of HFMD. We identified the relationship between and incidence of HFMD and temperature, relative humidity, and wind speeds. GAM suggests that 2-week lag meteorological factors were significantly associated with HFMD. We found that a 1°C increase in temperature and1% increase in relative humidity were both significantly associated with increased HFMD (average temperature RR, 1.020; minimum temperature RR, 1.027; maximum temperature RR (lag 1), 1.004; relative humidity RR,1.001). However, wind speeds were found to decrease the risk of HFMD (RR, 0.948). During the epidemic period of 2016, the occurrence of HFMD spread locally over time. The difference in the occurrence of local HFMD increased in child-care center users and in the population aged