
Neryl acetate synthesis from nerol esterification with acetic anhydride by heterogeneous catalysis using ion exchange resin
Document Type
Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 105(0), pp.121-131 Jan, 2022
This work aims to synthesize neryl acetate from the nerol esterification reaction with acetic anhydridethrough heterogeneous catalysis using the ion exchange resin Lewatit GF 101. The reaction was monitoredby gas chromatography and the neryl acetate chemical structure was confirmed by mass spectrometryand nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. The variables effect on the neryl acetate synthesiswas evaluated from an experimental design analysis. The reaction showed the highest combined valuesfor nerol conversion (98.11%) and neryl acetate selectivity (86.10%) at 30 min within optimal experimentalconditions of temperature at 40 C, catalyst content at 7% wt, molar ratio at 1:4 (nerol: acetic anhydride),agitation speed at 250 rpm and nerol content at 3 mmol. The complete nerol conversion wasachieved at 40 min with 82.34% selectivity. The reaction rate was controlled only by the nerol decay,an expected behavior due to the excess of acetic anhydride used. In addition, the value obtained forthe main reaction kinetic constant found by a pseudo-homogeneous model was 6 times greater than thatof the parallel reaction. The catalyst reuse was investigated and after 3 cycles a high conversion (96.68%)and selectivity (83.78%) were observed indicating a low loss of the catalytic activity.