
살모넬라 LPS를 주입한 육계병아리에 있어서 사료 중 크릴 밀 수준이 생산성과 면역반응에 미치는 영향
Effect of Dietary Krill Meal Levels on Performance and Immune Response of Broiler Chicks Injected with Salmonella typhimurium Lipopolysaccharide
Document Type
한국축산학회지, 49(2), pp.225-238 Apr, 2007
In this study, the effects of dietary krill meal levels on cellular immunity in LPS-injected broiler chicks was evaluated. One day-old male broiler chicks(Ross) were fed on the experimental basal meal(0.0% krill meal), or diets containing 0.5%, 1.0% and 2.0% krill for 3 weeks, and the acute phase response was activated by intraperitoneally injection of Salmonella typhimurium lipopolysaccharide(LPS) 3 times at 9, 11, and 13 days of age. 1. Acute phase response induced a significant reduction in(p<0.05) daily weight gain and feed intake, and increases in liver and spleen weight. However, it was not affected by dietary krill meal levels. 2. The krill meal diets reduced TNF-α activity as compared to the basal diet after 24 hours (acute phase response) and 1 week(recovery from the acute phase response) following LPS injection (p<0.05). The acute phase response induced a significant increase(p<0.05) in TNF-α activity relative to the control in chicks fed on a basal diet, but this was also unaffected by dietary krill meal levels. 3. Acute phase response-mediated ovotransferrin levels(relative to what was measured in the control bird) were increased in birds fed on the basal, 1.0% and 2.0% krill diets, and were reduced in birds fed on the 0.5 % krill diet. 4. In LPS-injected chicks, 1.0% and 2.0% krill meal diets induced a significant reduction in(p<0.05) the Con A-induced proliferation of PBMC and splenocytes relative to what was observed in the chicks fed on a 0.5% krill diet, whereas the splenocytes proliferated in a linear fashion with the krill levels in the diets of the control birds. The results showed that the dietary levels of krill meal reduced TNF-α activity in the blood and also influenced blood ovotransferrin levels and the proliferation of PBMC and splenocytes, and krill meal is considered to be associated with both innate and cellular immunity in broiler chicks.
급성기 반응중 육계병아리의 생산성과 면역반응에 미치는 사료중 크릴 밀 수준의 영향이 조사되었다. 갓 부화한 육계병아리(Ross) 수컷을 크릴 밀 0.0(기초), 0.5, 1.0 및 2.0% 함유한 실험사료로 3주간 실험사육하고 9, 11 및 13일령에 Salmonella typhymurium LPS를 복강내 주입하여 급성기 반응을 활성화하였다. 1. 급성기 반응은 유의하게(p<0.05) 일당증체와 사료섭취량을 감소시키고, 간장과 비장의 무게를 증가시키나 사료중 크릴 밀 수준에 의한 영향은 유의하지 않았다.2. 크릴 밀 사료급여는 TNF-α 활성을 급성기 반응과 회복중에도 기초사료에 비해 낮추었다(p<0.05). 급성기 반응은 TNF-α 활성을 대조에 비해서 기초사료 급여로 유의하게 증가시키나(p< 0.05), 크릴 밀 사료급여시는 유의하지 않았다. 3. 급성기 반응은 혈중 오보트렌스훼린 수준을 대조에 비해서 기초사료, 크릴 밀 1.0 및 2.0% 사료급여로 증가시키나 크릴 밀 0.5% 사료급여로 감소시켰다.4. 급성기 반응중 PBMC 및 비장세포의 증식도는 크릴 밀 0.5% 사료급여로 차이가 없었으나, 크릴 밀 1.0 및 2.0% 사료급여시에는 오히려 감소하였다(p<0.05). 대조인 정상병아리에서는 크릴 밀 수준에 따라 비장세포의 증식도가 점차 증가하였다. 본 연구 성적은 급성 기 반응중인 육계병아리에서 사료중 크릴 밀 첨가가 혈중 TNF-α 활성과 ovotransferrin 분비를 감소시키고 PBMC와 비장세포 증식도에 미치는 영향은, 사료중 크릴 밀이 육계 병아리의 선천 면역성과 세포성 면역성과 관계가 있다는 것을 나타내었다. (색인 단어:lipopolisaccharide(LPS), tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), PBMC와 비장세포의 증식, 크릴 밀, 육계 병아리)