
Such nach den liturgischen Elementen im Neuen Testament
Document Type
신학과 실천, 0(50), pp.7-28 Jul, 2016
This paper attempts to search for the liturgical basic elements in New Testament. The comprehensive explanations about the early christian worship appeared in the middle of 4th century and the source of the early church is very deficient for the reconstruction of the early christian liturgy. But the liturgical basic elements in New Testament is recognizable with the aid of form criticism. The research of form criticism maintains doxology, shouting in the pray as αββα and Maranatha, the words of blessing, the words of curse, the words of acclamation, the words of proclamation, the confession of faith in connection with the baptism and the sacrament as liturgical basic elements. The Gospel of Luke and the Acts of the Apostles indicate that the doxology, the reading of holy scripture, the explanations of the holy scripture, the ethical instruction of the Apostles, the fellowship and the agapemeal are essential elements of worship. Some of the liturgical basic elements are remarkable. Firstly we pay attention to the term Maranatha(Come, O Lord!) in 1Kor 16:22; Offb 22:20; Did 10:6. This liturgical term expresses the hope of the withstanding church for the interrupt of the brute force in worship and for the restoration of justice of God. In this case the worship represents the role of an training camp for a resistance against the unjust ruling system. Secondly we pay attention to the doxology and the song as Magnificat und Benediktus in New Testament. Luke explains through the songs of Magnificat und Benediktus the threefold effects of God on the religious, sociopolitical and ethnic area. The worship of the early church reflected in the doxology and songs represents a call for liberation of the poor. Thirdly we must pay attention to the function of the holy kiss in the letters of the apostles. The holy kiss at the end of the worship functions as an abolishment of the social discrimination and conflict in church. The worship of the early church have an individual and social dimension. We must not ignore that the early church exercises protest against the brutal violence in the worship through singing and praying.