
Phylogenetic inference and secondary structure predictions of Turkish genotypes of Coriandrum sativum (L.) based on ITS4 and ITS5 nrDNA sequences
Document Type
Plant Biotechnology Reports, 16(6), pp.709-720 Dec, 2022
Coriander, Coriandrum sativum L., is an important medicinal plant belonging to the Apiaceae family, which is grown in many parts of Turkey. In this study, seven Turkish coriander varieties (Antakya, Arslan, Erbaa, Gurbuz, Kerkuk, Kudret-K, and Pelmus) were examined for phylogenetic relations using two ITS region (ITS4–ITS5) sequence information and their secondary structure analysis. The length of the nrDNA ITS sequences obtained in this study varied between 677 and 692 nucleotides for seven samples. The G+C content of the nrDNA ITS region ranged between 47.86 (ITS4) and 48.67% (ITS5). Secondary structural analysis revealed that variation between varieties is more unique. The AMOVA study confrmed the efectiveness of confguration analysis as variants accounted for the majority of the variance. In addition, variation within cultivars was signifcant (97%). This shows that a signifcant part of the variance detected in this study occurred among genotypes. Data analysis, including Shannon information index and scaled diversity overlap graph annotation, also showed that the highest level of heterozygosity occurred in the Arslan, Erbaa and Kudret-K genotypes, with cultivars showing more pronounced diferences genotypically rather than geographically, consistent with the expected heterozygosity (80%). By verifcation of the PCoA analysis, the genotypes of Gurbuz and Arslan are very diferent from those of other groups. This supports the results of the cluster analysis, which showed that the Ankara-origin Gurbuz variety had a very diferent genotypic diference. Our analysis recommends the use of ITS4 sequence and secondary structure data at the intraspecifc levels of coriander taxonomical classifcation. For the frst time, a study has used both sequence information and secondary structural information to describe coriander at the varietal level of taxonomic classifcation