
Parasitoid wasp communities on oil palm plantation: Effects of natural habitat existence are obscured by lepidopteran abundance
Document Type
Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology, 22(3), pp.903-907 Sep, 2019
The existence of natural habitat around agroecosystem plays a pivotal role in maintaining the presence of natural enemies especially parasitoids. Natural habitat can fail to support biological pest control in agroecosystem due to a particular condition. The objective of this research was to investigate the effect of natural habitat existence on parasitoid wasp communities in oil palm plantation. The ecological research was conducted in the oil palm plantation located in Central Borneo, Indonesia. Twelve plots of oil palm plantations with different habitat characteristics were selected. Insects were sampled using canopy knockdown fogging with a pyrethroid insecticide. In total, 237 species and 2669 individuals of parasitoid wasps belong to 15 families were collected from all research areas. The results showed that species richness and abundance of parasitoid wasps in oil palm plantation was affected by lepidopteran abundance and not by the existence of natural habitat. However, the distance and area of natural habitat influenced the species composition of parasitoid wasps. We concluded that the existence of natural habitat still can maintain the parasitoid wasps in oil palm plantation. Thus, efforts on maintaining parasitoid wasp diversity for management of biological control in oil palm plantation need to pay attention by conserving the natural habitats.