
Use Big Data to Analyze Changes in Chinese’ Perception of Baseball after three Major Mega Sport Events
Document Type
한국체육과학회지, 32(6), pp.385-395 Dec, 2023
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to provide useful information to Chinese baseball marketing by applying big data analysis technology in the field of baseball. Method: Based on this, Data analysis periods were selected from the years 2008,2014 and 2022, big data tool “Textom” was used to collect keywords related to Baseball+Beijing Olympics, Baseball+Asian game, and Baseball+WBC on popular websites. The keywords were collected to examine the relevance and clustering of major keywords related to Chinese baseball. The collected keywords were analyzed using data cleaning and matrix analysis. In order to visualize the quantified data, we used the NetDraw function of Ucinet 6.0 to visualize the network of words related to Chinese baseball. Results: First, the results of the frequency analysis of the resulting words based on keywords, 2008 Sports, Niche, Beijng Olympic, 2014 Baseball, Sports, Game, 2022 Baseball, Policy, Support. Second, the result of conducting Matrix analysis by collecting the result words that appeared specifically based on keywords, 2008 Players, League, Market, 2014 Government, Support, Policy, Rules, Elementary, 2022 Challenge, Cooperation, Management, Financial, and Directions. Conclusion: Based on the results of this study, the development of Chinese baseball was identified through keywords for 3 years. Therefore, Chinese baseball's development first has to be supported by the Chinese government's policy, because the sport in China is developed under the national system. Afterward, strengthen policy support in baseball, increase financial investment, enhance talent training, and strengthen international cooperation to promote the rapid development of baseball in China, furthermore accelerate the rise of baseball marketing in China.