
Influence of oxygen equivalent on molten salt oxidation efficiency of mixed resin in Li2CO3-Na2CO3-K2CO3 melt
Document Type
Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 120(0), pp.542-551 Apr, 2023
The disposal of spent radioactive ion exchange resin generated during the operation of nuclear facilitieshas always been a conundrum. The molten salt oxidation (MSO) for the treatment of mixed resin (MR)shows obvious superiority. In this work, ternary carbonate (Li2CO3-Na2CO3-K2CO3) and MR was usedas the molten salt system and the oxidation target, respectively. The oxidation behavior of MR was analyzedby varying the temperature and oxygen equivalent during the MSO process. By studying the effectof different oxygen equivalents on the oxidation efficiency, the oxygen equivalent of 125% could make theoxidation efficiency of MR reach 99.99% at 800 C. The composition of C, N and S containing exhaust gasproduced through MSO process of MR with temperature were almost consistent with the simulationresults. The exhaust gas was successfully adsorbed by molten carbonate to produce nitrate and sulfurcompounds. The carbonate has good absorption to harmful gases such as SO2, CO, NO, etc. The contentof SO2 from the highest 0.32% to 0, and 71.23% of sulfur in MR was trapped by molten carbonate asthe form of sulfate. This work has important implications for reducing the potential harm of radioactivewaste resin to the environment.